
Showing posts from 2016

Latest Podcast Episode

Cosplay Feature: Intraventus' Sylvanas Windrunner!

Cosplay Showcase: Geeks Guild's Goddess Umbreon!

Game Review: Final Fantasy XV

Cosplay Feature: Blood Empress' Tifa Lockhart!

Cosplay Showcase: PixelPantz Cosplay's Ashes of Al'Ar!

Game Review: Batman-The Telltale Series

Cosplay Feature: Lisa Lou Who's Witch Mercy

Cosplay Showcase: Mink the Satyr's Ninetails!

Cosplay Showcase: Oshley Cosplay's Queen Varian Wrynn!

Cosplay Showcase: Danielle Beaulieu's Kawaii Ragnaros!

Cosplay Feature: Ireland Reid's Battle Armor Emma Frost

Cosplay Feature: Danquish's SubReaper....or ReapZero?

Game Review: Pokemon Sun/Moon

Cosplay Showcase: Kaybear Cosplay's Demon Hunter!

Cosplayer Interview: Jawjarrose!

Cosplay Feature: Yaya Han's Scarlet Witch!

Cosplay Showcase: Jaycee Cosplay's Kitana 2.0!

Cosplay Feature: Holly Wolf's Rule 63 Cloud from Kingdom Hearts!

Cosplay Showcase: Megawatt Cosplay's Steampunk Dorothy!

Cosplay Showcase: Lara Lunardi's Alter Egos!

Cosplayer Interview: Smash Cosplay!

Cosplay Feature: Danielle Beaulieu's Judgment Paladin!

Cosplayer Interview: Abi Aikou/Koneko Sensei!

Cosplay Feature: Jechts' Genderbend Zarya!

Cosplay Feature: Koneko Sensei's Arkham City Harley!

Cosplay Feature: Gemgem Cosplay's Sith Lord!

Convention Report: New York Comic Con 2016

Cosplay Feature: Linz Stanley's Silver Banshee!

Cosplay Showcase: Gladzy Kei's Wonder Woman!

Cosplay Feature: Marie Grey's Leah!

Cosplay Feature: Spectra Cosplay's Cyborg!

Cosplayer Interview: League of Larcy Cosplay!

Cosplay Feature: Okageo's Arthas, the Lich King!

Cosplayer Interview: Coralea Jade of Geek's Guild Entertainment!

Cosplay Showcase: Jessica Nigri's Necromancer Totoro!

Cosplayer Interview: Mink the Satyr!

Cosplay Showcase: Victoria's Secret-style Legendary Birds!

Cosplay Feature: Vanity Fox's Bikini Jecht!

Cosplay Feature: Mink the Satyr's Sailor Flareon!

Cosplay Feature: Purelight Cosplay's Bunny Tracer!

Cosplay Feature: LynnX Cosplay's KH Cloud!

Cosplay Showcase: Keith Zen of Keabtium!

Cosplay Feature: Danielle Vedovelli's Chun-Li!

Cosplay Feature: Maul Cosplay's Punished Snake!

Cosplay Feature: Rachel Nycole's Black Lady!

Cosplay Feature: Kadu=Out Cosplay's Dark Magician!

Cosplay Feature: Oshley Cosplay's Mercy!

Cosplay Feature: Nick Poulos' Taric!

Cosplay Showcase: Megawatt Cosplay is QUEEN :D

Cosplay Showcase: Byndo Gehk's Mudkip!