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Cosplayer Interview: Coralea Jade of Geek's Guild Entertainment!

Photo by Maddic Photography
I'm gonna say it up front to start this post off. Coralea Jade is a definite sister like figure to me, and I can't not even begin to tell you all the amazing opportunities she's given me with my blog on top of advice and just life stuff too. I'm more than willing to say that most of the changes I've done to my blog in the past year/several months are thanks to her. So of course I had to interview her right? This is a post that's been a long time coming and CJ herself is incredibly busy so I am more than happy she took time to do this for me, and for you guys as an extension! What you'll see in this interview is CJ being well...CJ. She's got a hilarious and sometimes vulgar personality but it suits her so much. Some of the answers you'll read are short and totally out there. Hopefully though you'll laugh as a result!

Coralea is based over in Australia and has a love for all things butts, boobs and geeky interests as well. Most of the pictures you'll see here are mainly Pokemon related and she really gets into it with a plethora of design choices. Hell, this past weekend at Oz Comic Con, CJ created armored cosplays of the 3 final evolutions to the original starters with Blastoise being her pick. She's also one of the main forces on MKAU Gaming Australia in terms of the Week in Gaming videos that air on their Youtube channel! That includes also sometimes traveling to Australian conventions to do cosplay coverage.

Photo by Chromatic Imagery
There's also tidbits about CJ's interesting friendship with fellow cosplayer SkyBrown Cosplay, from sexual innuendos and straight up fantasizing about cosplaying as him. It's pretty freaking hilarious overall. Her obsession is Pokemon based being strictly constrained to the first 2 generations. The remaining 600 or so doesn't exist in CJ's mind cause it's TOO MUCH XD. Though the Eeveelutions are an exception! I really hope you guys enjoy the responses and get a glimpse into Coralea's personality!
What got you into cosplay and how long have you been doing it?
 Dressing up as a serial killer in my spare time used to get me into trouble, and then one day I decided to tack the word cosplay on, and that seems to make it okay, now. I’ve been doing it for about 8 years now. And I’ve been doing cosplay for just over 2 years HUR HUR HUR (get it? doing it? get it?)
Which cosplay was the first you ever created?
When I was a kid, I used to stomp around and roar like a dragon. I also accidentally set my house on fire once. Does that count?
Thinking back to the last convention you were at, did you enjoy it?
I just got back from Sydney Oz Comic-Con and I’m almost certain that I only accidentally flashed a photographer once, so I’d say it was a successful weekend. I enjoyed it.
What cosplay(s) did you bring to this convention?
I took a very rushed and unfinished Blastoise, that literally had 4 squares of velcro stopping me from being completely naked. I like to live dangerously.
Photo by Sarah Easton Photography
What is your favorite cosplay you’ve made so far?
Sometimes I like to cosplay as famous cosplayer, SkyBrown Cosplay and sing show-tunes in my bathroom mirror. Always a favorite.
What got you into being a geek?
I remember playing games back when you had to get up, turn a knob and tune your TV to change the channel, so I’d say it was well and truly forced into me at a very young age.
Do you have any other members of your family who are into what you enjoy? Or are you at present the only “geek” in the family?
I don’t mean to brag, but my brother is a level 99 wood-cutter on Runescape.
Looking at your cosplays, do you have a preference at what media you cosplay? Photos of SkyBrown Cosplay are my inspiration. And I mean, I’ve made over 20 Pokemon cosplays, but it’s not like I have an obsession or anything… I CAN CONTROL MYSELF.
Photo by Maddic Photography
One of your more recent cosplays I’ve absolutely loved was your Cubone gijinka concept! It looked incredibly cute not to mention how cheap you managed to make it in terms of cost efficiency!  What made you choose Cubone out of 700 Pokémon? What was it like making it?
700 pokemon? Mate, there’s like 150, MAYBE up to 300 if we’re being generous. I deny any existence of others. Also, I feel like I connect with Cubone on a spiritual level. We both love a good bone, y’know?
In the time I’ve come to known you, you definitely don’t shy away from being you. Whether it’s from your hashtags to acknowledging that your butt is pretty dang awesome (seriously it’s true guys). Has this gotten a reaction of sorts from your followers? Along with pretty much being one of your central mottos right?
My followers have embraced the butt!!!! I think the way that I talk makes others feel at ease and feel more confident about their own bodies when I walk up and shake my thighs at them or point out the 10 inches of padding in my bra. It gets them into this lovely sense of confidence and acceptance. And then BAM. I hit ‘em with the motorboat BRBHHRRRBRUBRRR
Another cosplay I absolutely loved was the Victoria’s Secret Legendary Bird group you did with a few other well-known Aussie cosplayers. Just the concept/idea alone made me happy since I’m a huge sucker for gijinkas. What was it like bringing that to life? Lots of wings falling off and walking like Dr. Zoidberg to try and get through the crowds. Let’s be honest, did I join the group to create something beautiful? Or did I join to get loads of BTS pics of Kyali Jane and Kayla Erin in their underwear? HEY HEYYYYY.
You’re also part of MKAU Gaming Australia with doing weekly news and occasional convention coverage. What’s that been like?
I cannot believe a professional website lets me represent them. I am so lucky to be a part of such a kickass team. I STILL DON’T KNOW WHY THEY LET ME DO THINGS FOR THEM.
Photo by Senergy Photography
So what’s with the burping videos?
Some people were born to save lives. Some people were born to lead countries. Some people were born to protect the innocent. I was born to burp.
What do you think about cosplay as it is now hitting the mainstream?
Do you have any upcoming cosplays for this year that you’re able to share? hahahahahahahahahahaha Me? Plan anything in advance? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding, everything is planned well in advance, I just procrastinate and make it all at the last minute.
-Teaming up with two mega babes to bring you the Windrunner sisters from Warcraft.
-Doing Little Paper Forest versions of the Eeveelutions with some more hotties again
-I’m sure I’ve got something else happening but I won’t remember until 3 days before the con.
Do you imagine cosplaying being a part of your life within the next 5 years and do you hope to evolve your skill set?
Yes and yes. At that point my spawn will be old enough to craft with me, so hopefully I can turn her into a centaur or a lifesize Godzilla or Ellen DeGeneres or something. That’d be great.
What’s a day in the life of CJ?
A day in the life of CJ is the same as any other parent. Just do what you can, and hope your child gets distracted for just enough minutes that you can take a dump in peace. Or shower. Or both if you’re really lucky. But like, not at the same time. Separately. Showers are not for poops.
Where did the name Geek’s Guild Entertainment come from?
I wanted that gg because I was a tweeny nerd who played CoD and was like “OH, GG BRO, GREAT 360 NO SCOPE, BRAH, GG, GGWP BRAH. BRAH. brah”. Also I have big plans for creating a guild house one day where people can just geek out together and I wanted to save the name early on.
Any upcoming game releases you’re looking forward to?
Horizon Zero Dawn looks mint AF but GAHDAMMIT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE?!?!?!?! Also Gears of War 4. Those games make me moist. Marcus Fenix can rev my chainsaw any day.
Photo by Timothy Souter Photography
Do you have a favorite convention?
Haven Expo in Mackay, Australia is THE MOTHER FLIPPING BOMB. It’s a 10/10 let’s get drunk and play retro games kinda con AND I LOVE IT. As far as the bigger cons go, Oz Comic Con is so well run, and is just incredible. No jokes in this one. Support the good cons, guys. They are our safe zone.
If you could have sex with any fictional character, who would you pick and why?
All of them? hahahahaha THIS IS A HARD QUESTION (heh, pun intended). Can I make a list?
-Marcus Fenix because unf, dirty, badass, muscle bound chainsaw wielding hgnnnnnn
-Reznov from CoD Black Ops, because accent so hot you could fuck it.
-Trunks from DBZ. He was my teenage girl fantasy way back in the day.
-Scarecrow from Batman because you’d be tripping balls while getting balls-Vinnie from Biker Mice from Mars-Actually, all of the Biker Mice from Mars. Probably separately though.-Illidan Stormrage because teenage fantasy #2-SkyBrown Cosplay because I like the dark Chocolate
Photo by Maddic Photography
I hope you guys enjoyed this Interview and can understand why CJ is such a special person to me anyways. Both as a cosplayer and a regular person, she's a riot and I'm counting down the days until we eventually meet for all the butt touching sometime in the future. I can't recommend her pages enough, definitely check Coralea Jade's work out in the links below!

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