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Cosplay Feature: Marie Grey's Leah!

Photo by Jo Bevvy Photography
Let it be known right off the bat that cosplayer Marie Grey loves Diablo. With the third entry having been released awhile ago, Marie still gets sucked into playing it from time to time. It's gotten to a point where she sees Tyrael as her husbando. So it'd make sense for her to cosplay from the game right? Enter in prominent character Leah, and that's what Marie decided to do. The cosplay you see before you is Leah's default outfit that she wears throughout the game. A loose red top is encased by a corset that's red and brown in color scheme. Along the straps are leather like pauldrons for Marie's shoulders. There's also a stray yellow sash that drapes from the top of her pants which are also covered by multiple leather straps. The base pants are visible though, and those are of a fainter shade of brown.

Photo by David Ngo
Marie has a short brown wig on that has a yellow ribbon along the top. It matches perfectly with the rest of the cosplay. Prop wise, Marie found a regular old book (I believe at a craft store) and went to town on it making it all Diablo-like. Fun fact, this advice served me well when making Ringabel's journal! Some of the pics you guys will see are your typical hall shots but there's also beautiful outdoor scenery ones too. The forest area is perfect for Leach and really does capture the vibes from the game itself!

The pants area as I look more closely is broken up into layers. You have the base that I mentioned earlier, but there's also a greenish skirt/flap which in turn is wrapped up in the leather contraption.  Leather pouches can also be seen in some of the pics! This was such a rad cosplay for Marie to debut and make, I'm also really glad she sent me a plethora of pictures to share with you all. Enjoy :D

Photo by Koneko Your Average Nerd
Photo by Koneko Your Average Nerd
Photo by Neeko Cosplay Photography

Definitely check out her cosplay page if you have the chance to! From Diablo, to various DC and Marvel characters, Marie Grey certainly has covered her bases well and I always love watching her stuff come to light! She's also streaming her creation of Sgt. Hammer from Heroes of the Storm right now. To be debuted at BlizzCon! :D

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