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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

Cosplayer Interview: Byndo Gehk

Photo by Obscura Vista
When I first saw Byndo Gehk's Totodile gijinka (thanks to cosplayer Marie Grey), I had a good feeling I was looking at someone who really had the time of her life from cosplaying and imagined she's an absolute goofball in person. After reading the answers she gave me to the questions I sent her (which you'll see down below) I can proudly say she can show off all of that through writing. Byndo is a Virginia based cosplayer with a giant love for video games. Along with some anime and comic book cosplays, gaming is where this girl's heart is. It helped that growing up, her Dad was a huge sci-fi nerd and that pretty much set her on the path to enjoying the culture that was a forefront of imagination. Whoa, that was some deep stuff, why don't I dive in a little bit more!

Photo by Mikey Mongol Photography
Byndo got her start into cosplay after having friends of hers convincing to go to Otakon a few years back (wouldn't you know it, that con is coming up really soon). Although she attended one day in the weekend she was instantly hooked on cosplay! Her first outfit ever made is now used for scrap parts since it was horrible in her honest opinion (she's right in saying most first cosplays are, mine was HOT GLUE GALORE). The last convention she attended was ColossalCon and Byndo absolutely loved it! You can learn more about it down below in a little bit as well as all the swimsuit versions of characters she made for it.

If you're wondering where the name "Byndo Gehk" came from, her reasoning is that it came from the party gods (she loves to party by the way) so that's all we'll get unfortunately XD. Much like myself she really can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 (IT'S BEEN CLOSE TO A DECADE SINCE KH2) and Byndo has many feels for Final Fantasy with 10 being her favorite having cosplayed as a Rule 63 version of Jecht! You know that seems to be a common favorite with all the cosplayers I've featured here, everyone loves FF10! I'm betting the infamous laugh scene has something to do with it. Ok enough rambling, enjoy the interview guys!

Photo by Ming Man

What got you into cosplay and how long have you been doing it?
Well originally my friends introduced me to the social aspect of nerd culture! They mentioned Otakon and I was super pumped to attend, though in the end was only able to visit for the Sunday. HOWEVER that was all it took! I was enthralled! I don’t remember the exact year this was, but I’ve been cosplaying since I was a teenager.
Which cosplay was the first you ever created?
Technically my first creation was an original character made from scratch, but it was pretty horrible (like most first cosplays are) and I’ve since used the monster as scrap material for other projects or patterning pieces! C:
Thinking back to the last convention you were at, did you enjoy it?
Absolutely best vacation resort ever. I got to play in the water all day and swim around while shooting! And so many of my friends were able to party with me! Best location for a good time, in my opinion. I don’t actually attend much of the convention itself because I’m having too much fun in the waterparks!
What cosplay(s) did you bring to this convention?
Totodile and Pool Party Fiora! Given there is no actual canon PP Fiora yet, so I had to take some creative liberty of my own, as I had created regular skin Fiora for Katsucon and many of my friends were making both Pokemon and PP League of Legends outfits!
What is your favorite cosplay you’ve made so far?
Probably Jecht or Totodile, both are just fun to pose and mess around in! I can either be a drunk whale father or a cheeky little crocodile monster!
What got you into being a geek?
It helped that my dad was a super nerd before being a nerd was even remotely cool, haha. I grew up watching Sci Fi movies and shows with him and my brothers, and they’d teach me how to play Final Fantasy, Warcraft, etc. I basically have been a little geek my whole life, or at least a gamer. The rest came naturally as I broadened my geeky horizons.
Do you have any other members of your family who are into what you enjoy? Or are you at present the only “geek” in the family?
My dad was Papa Geek, but I do have a brother who is also geeky. Nerd Bro.
Photo by Cozpho Photography
The first cosplay I saw of you that made me an instant fan of yours was your Totodile gijinka. This was done for a convention that I’ve heard by both its official name ColossalCon and the fan name of Bikini Con. What I love about this cosplay is that you look adorable in it and it’s definitely water-friendly. I’m guessing that’s what you had in mind when designing him?
Absolutely! ColossalCon is definitely known for its exotic animals and waterpark, so I figured combining ‘wild monsters’ and water together was a smashing idea! Originally I drew inspiration from a drawn up Sharpedo gijinka sketch but altered it to fit Totodile better, and it worked out flawlessly. A monokini spikey design for a little croc! And it’s entirely water resistant because of the vinyl/worbla aspect, save for a wig if I wade out too far in the deep end!
He’s one of my favorite starter Pokémon and I thought it was awesome that you had your boyfriend cosplay as Feraligatr. What was the whole process/experience like wearing and making him?
Well I had to spray tan him that morning before we wandered out as a Pokemon duo, so that always takes a while. But the actual creation of Feraligatr was all on him! Decided to do more of a tribal design with teefs and straps more familiar with that sort of design asthetic.
Photo by KO Cosplay. Edit by Byndo Gehk
From your collection of outfits it seems you’re a gamer first and foremost. Is that an easier medium for you to cosplay from? Or do you also have a love for anime and comic books?
I do love my occasional comic cosplays, and equally as rare anime costumes, but my love lies in gaming. Their designs are captivating from the 3D spectrum and I tend to enjoy the storyline better when I can interact or influence what is going on in that story, thus I enjoy the characters more. Like with Jecht: for nearly all of FFX you wander around Spira as Tidus, Jecht’s son, resenting and hating his father for disappearing and being a ‘bad dad’. But through the story you come to realize that Jecht had gone on a journey of his own to try and redeem himself, and felt regret about how he had treated his son. You go through the entire game from starting off and having a distaste for this character, but then through boss battles, exploration, and fruition find that the father character really changed.. And when you battle him at the end of that game, you are filled with emotion because you are fighting this character you had struggled so hard to learn about and understand.
Your Jecht gender-bend is also one of my favorites! I love seeing cosplayers that share the same Final Fantasy love that I have. Is FF10 your favorite entry? What is it about Jecht’s character that made you decide to cosplay as him? I know that you’ve worn him as part of a group cosplay along with another of my awesome cosplay friends Marie Grey :D.
Basically take everything from the last question…and apply it here.
Plus, you know.
He’s the best drunk whale dad.
Photo by M1photo
Do you have any upcoming cosplays for this year that you’re able to share?
I do! Toothless will premier at DragonCon this year! And there’s a secret Kill la Kill cosplay coming out for Otakon!
Where did the name “Byndo Gehk” come from?
It’s a fitting title for your Party King. The Party God gave it to me.
Do you imagine cosplaying being a part of your life within the next 5 years and do you hope to evolve your skill set?
I imagine I’ll be a busier individual in five years, but I don’t have intent to stop before that time. If anything I hope my craft improves and I can become more skilled with different materials, gathering a more substantial workshop to create exciting new outfits!
What’s a day in the life of Byndo Gehk?
Alarm sounds. Hit snooze. Alarm sounds again. Hit snooze aggressively. Alarm sounds once more. Hides alarm under pillow. Cat in face. Loud purring. No, Ra’s. No. Stop purring. Ok I’m up. Hair did. Teef brushed. Maybe clothes. Off to work. Work all day. Work work work. Try on dresses. Convinces self to not buy dresses. Internal struggle.  Buy candy instead. Good decision. Happy tummy.  Home now. Can rest? No can rest. Homework. More homework. Distracted by internet. Work on cosplay. Fight with cat to get off cosplay. No, Ra’s. No. Ok you win. Watch GoT on Skype with Zacloudseth. Guilts Zacloudseth into watching more GoT. Yay. TYRIAN NO! NO TYRIAN! DON’T DO THE THING! He does the thing.  Pass out from emotion. Rinse and repeat.
Any upcoming game releases you’re looking forward to?
Do you have a favorite convention?
Colossalcon. C: 
So just how big of a party person are you?
Do you know what time it is?
It’s time..

Photo by M1photo
That's everything I have! I want to thank Byndo so so much for giving such an entertaining interview. I do hope I get to meet her at NYCC if she can go! If you want to follow Byndo's work, check out these links!

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