
Showing posts from 2019

Latest Podcast Episode

STRUCK FIRST: Oh My Sophii as Cyberpunk Catwoman!

Cosplay Feature: NebulaNeko's Vaporeon!

The Rise of OnlyFans

STRUCK FIRST: Azura Cosplay as a Night Elf!

Cosplay Feature: Vee Cosplay's Samus!

STRUCK FIRST: Danielle Beaulieu as a Dragonstalker Orc!

Cosplay Feature: Cinderys' Ysera!

Game Review: Pokemon Sword/Shield

Cosplay Showcase: Jessica Nigri's Sirfetch'd!

Cosplay Showcase: Princess Natalie's Thor!

Game Review: Astral Chain

Photography Spotlight:!

Cosplay Feature: Asuna Cosplay's Edelgard!

STRUCK FIRST: CutiePieSensei's Khal Jasmine!

Cosplay Showcase: Goldvester Cosplay's Moze!

Cosplay Feature: SKS Props' Orc Warrior

Cosplay Showcase: Reagan Kathryn's Panther/Ann Takamaki

Cosplay Feature: Miss Chrissy Lyn's Nightwing

Cosplay Showcase: Blackwater Cosplay's Vanessa VanCleef!

Convention Report: New York Comic Con 2019!

Cosplay Showcase: Vorian Cosplay's Captain Green Lantern!

Cosplay Showcase: Shappi Workshop's Winged Victory Mercy!

Cosplay Feature: Stella Chuu's 2B

Cosplay Showcase: Bombchelle Cosplay's Underwatch Zarya!

Cosplay Showcase: 89Styles' Vol'Jin!

Cosplay Feature: JennyBelly's Espeon!

Cosplay Showcase: Bloodraven's Kasumi

Cosplay Feature: Alyssandria Cosplay's Totodile!

Cosplay Showcase: Alina Masquerade's Jessica Rabbit!

Cosplay Feature: Catherine Rose's Primrose!

STRUCK FIRST: League of Larcy as Vaporeon!

Cosplay Feature: Maru's Rikku!

Cosplay Feature: Sinastri's Princess Midna!

Cosplay Feature: Axillia Cosplay's Spider Gwen!

STRUCK FIRST: Holly Wolf as Kirin from Monster Hunter!

Cosplay Feature: Kate Sarkissian's Bakugo!

STRUCK FIRST: Mina Starks as Starfire!

Cosplay Showcase: OfficialGothBarbie's Atlantic All-Star Mercy

Cosplay Feature: Enji Night's Aqua!

Cosplay Feature: Bombchelle Cosplay's Mercy!

Cosplay Showcase: Yaya Han's Misato!

Cosplay Feature: Azulette's Cammy!

Cosplay Feature: League of Larcy's Pajama Guardian Soraka!

Cosplay Feature: Azura Cosplay's Scorbunny!

Cosplay Showcase: Nicole Marie Jean's Savage Rogue

Cosplay Feature: Meryl Sama's Quiet from MGSV!

Cosplay Feature: Li Kovacs' Sheikah Link!

Cosplay Feature: Oki Cospi's Bayonetta!

STRUCK FIRST: AllieCat as Camilla!

Cosplay Feature: Phalafel Cosplay's Golden Lynel!