
Showing posts from 2014

Latest Podcast Episode

Cosplay Showcase: Amie Lynn's Dragon Age: Inquisition Cosplays!

Cosplay Showcase: Vicky Lau is SO CUTE!

Cosplayer Interview: Kayla Erin!

Cosplay Feature: Joanna Mari's Wonder Woman!

Game Review: Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Cosplay Feature: Ryuu Lavitz's Roxas!

Cosplay Showcase: Henchmen Props!

Game Review: To The Moon

Cosplay Feature: Jaycee Cosplay's Jolteon!

Cosplay Feature: Colin Bass' Nightwing!

First Impressions: JumpJet Rex!

Cosplay Feature: Deanna Davis' Injustice Green Arrow!

Cosplay Showcase: Kamui Cosplay and ALL THE WORBLA!

Cosplay Showcase: Yaya Han's Arcade Miss Fortune and Heartseeker Ashe!

Cosplay Feature: Leanna Vamp's Lara Croft!

DLC Review: Mario Kart 8 Pack 1

Photography Spotlight: Darshelle Stevens!

Cosplay Feature: Kristen Hughey's Cammy!

Game Review: Bravely Default!

Cosplayer Video Interview: Kristen Hughey (Part 1)

Cosplay Showcase: Uncanny Megan is ADORABLE!

DLC Review: Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramus!

Convention Report: Rhode Island Comic Con 2014

Cosplay Showcase: Jessica Nigri's Armored Sailor Mars and Armored Sailor Scouts!

Cosplay Showcase: Danquish being Badass!

Cosplay Feature: Negative Stacey's Black Widow!

Cosplay Feature: ZombieBitMe's Felicia!

Cosplay Feature: Kayla Erin's Misty!

Cosplay Showcase: Lyz Brickley's Mylune!

Convention Report: New York Comic Con 2014

Cosplay Feature: Riki LeCotey's Co-Op Assasin from AC: Unity

Cosplay Feature: Ani-Mia's Psylocke!

Cosplay Feature: Destiny Nickelsen's Rocket Raccoon

Cosplayers being Disrespected and Why it Needs to Stop.

Cosplay Feature: April Gloria's Aela the Huntress!

Cosplay Showcase: Vanity Fox's Risty!

Cosplay Feature: Nikki Kristan's Tera from Teen Titans!

Cosplay Showcase: Jessica Nigri's Battle Armor Elsa!

Fan Interview: Marianna of NigriNation! (Part 1)

Cosplay Feature: Stella Chuu's Supergirl Kai

Final Fantasy 15: Too Much to Live Up to?

Cosplayer Interview: Nikki Kristan!

Cosplay Showcase: Lisa Lou Who's SDCC Cosplays!

The Cosplays of Dragon*Con

Cosplay Showcase: K.O. Cosplay's Pokemon Gijinkas!

Cosplay Feature: Katyuska Moonfox's Scarlett!

Fan Interview: Hanne Therese!

Cosplay Feature: Alychu's Seductive Poison Ivy