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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

Cosplayer Interview: Detailed Illusion Cosplay!

Photo by Pixel Adel Photography
I'm happy to present you all with another Cosplayer Interview today! This time I have the amazingly talented Niq van der Aa from Canada. He's otherwise known on Facebook as Detailed Illusion Cosplay and the word "detailed" definitely applies here guys! I found out about his work through one of the many cosplayers I follow who shared his work. Not only is his Thranduil from the Hobbit extremely lifelike, but he also has done plenty of Final Fantasy cosplays ranging from Tidus and Bartz in their Dissidia designs, to Balthier and Snow (which I featured not too long ago!). Niq definitely has a knack for sewing having won various best in show awards in cosplay competitions. One of his latest cosplays was a gender-bent Elsa from the movie Frozen which won best re-interpretation at Costume Con 32! I hope you guys enjoy getting to know Niq a little better so why don't we get started!
Photo by Oxford Comma Cosplay

Niq van der Aa resides in Ottawa, Ontario and always enjoyed dressing up when he was younger. Having video games and comics in his life only fueled that passion and he jumped into cosplay immediately when he started at the age of 14! The first cosplay ever created was the character Fai d. Flowright from the manga Tsubasa in his waiter uniform, which led to using his main jacket as his next cosplay. His most recent convnetion was Fanime here in California where he brought out his gender-bend Disney characters as well as Thranduil and Tidus!

I imagine like many of us who grew up, Pokemon got all of us into being geeks (those born in the 90's anyway) and Niq definitely falls into that group. Pokemon led to him discovering cards, anime, and video games which round out the rest of the "geek spectrum" as he puts it. It was awesome to read that his family is also a big group of geeks as well having been told that Star Wars were the greatest movies ever made. Niq saw each Lord of the Rings movie with his mother who enjoys them as well. His sister also cosplays and is more up to date on anime more so than Niq!

Photo by Abbie Warnock Photography

Much like myself, Final Fantasy is Niq's all time favorite video game franchise. He feels that the art, story and characters are what makes each entry special to him. The outfits specifically "push the limits of reality" as he puts it. FF 12 sits as his favorite with the general theme of the game fitting the most with how things are in life today! While Niq enjoys both the detailed cosplays like Thranduil and the spandex suits like Speedy from Young Justice, the former style is more favored due to the amount of time he spends on those types to make something incredible! Lastly, he hopes that he can keep bringing positivity and acceptance in the cosplay community with how harsh it can be sometimes. There's alot more I have for you guys so I hope you enjoy the questions :D.
What got you into cosplay and how long have you been doing it?
I have always loved dressing up (I have been involved in performance dance and theater almost my entire life) and comics/anime/video games were a huge part of my childhood. As soon as I found out about conventions and cosplay (I was fourteen) it was a pretty easy sell.
Which cosplay was the first you ever created?
The first con I went to, I dressed as Fai d. Flowright from Tsubasa. I was still new to sewing then and had only found out about the con a month before, so I dressed in his casual “waiter” outfit which I had put together from different stores. The first costume I ever created was for my second con and was Fai’s main jacket.
Thinking back to the last convention you were at, did you enjoy it?
The last convention I was at was Famine and I LOVED IT. Fanime is an awesome con and well worth the trip to California, plus it of doubles as a holiday for me. I have SUCH amazing friends there and get to meet new people each year!
What cosplay(s) did you bring to this convention?
For Famine this year I brought Thranduil, Genderbend Ariel, Genderbend Elsa and Tidus (the Dissidia version).
What is your favorite cosplay you’ve made so far?
Oh gosh this question is the hardest! I feel like I have to pick my favourite child. I love them all for different reasons and also it depends on what kind of mood I am, or if I have recently watched something one of my cosplays are based on. Right now I am still in love with my Genderbend Elsa costume just because my Frozen feels are strong.
What got you into being a geek?
POKEMON! LOL, but seriously I think Pokemon is what got me into the broadest spectrum of geekery-- getting me into the cards, anime, and video games. But I have loved fantasy and sci-fi for as long as I can remember. I am basically in love with the fantastical, so movies, television, and books generally associated with geekiness have always been my favs. If I look back though, it was the manga artists “CLAMP” that really got me into embracing fandom and the cosplay and convention scene.
Do you have any other members of your family who are into what you enjoy? Or are you at present the only “geek” in the family?
I was raised by a family that told me Star Wars (the original three) were the best movies ever made and no movies would ever top them. My mom took me to every Lord of the Rings film because she enjoyed them just as much as I did. My little sister is more up to date on my favorite manga series then I am, and she even cosplays herself-- she did an AWESOME Homura From Madoka Magika for Ottawa Comicon this year.
Photo by Pixel Adel Photography
What first drew me to your work was your multiple cosplays focused around Final Fantasy with characters like Tidus, Balthier, Vincent and Snow just to name a few. Would it be safe to say that it’s your favorite video game franchise? What drew you to those games?
I could talk all day about why I love Final Fantasy, but to break down to three things: “art direction, depth of character, depth of story”. I love how Final Fantasy weaves their tales and I personally find all the characters very likeable, but the big seller is how pretty it looks...  not just the game graphics, but there is so much thought and art in each design. The characters costumes push the limits of reality, and while outlandish are still sleek and beautiful- I really think it is FANTASTIC that a video game puts so much effort into visual expression.
Is there a specific numbered entry that is a personal favorite of yours? Final Fantasy 10 is my personal favorite since it was the first entry I played in the franchise as well as the first one I cleared through (which means I LOVE your Tidus cosplay :D)!
My favourite is actually 12, which once again I could talk about forever. It really won me over with its story. I am a huge fan of epic fantasy and I think the theme they tackle with this one was very relevant to our times. Plus, I did not mind the combat (but you have seen the embroidery on my Elsa, so I clearly don’t mind tedious activities LOL) and the visuals were spot on. The neo-renaissance costumes and set fit very well topically with the thematic of humanity taking ownership for their future.
Photo by Chantel
Some of your cosplays also have a great amount of detail in them such as your Thranduil and Genderbent Elsa. Is that a particular style you favor rather than the style of characters like Speedy from Young Justice? (Which looks so badass by the way!)
I actually love both. I think there is merit in the indulgent, over-detailed designs as well as the ones that have a simple but effective statement. I have actually made a lot of body suits in my time sewing (being involved in theater and dance can be blamed for that) so they are a lot of fun for me! If I had to pick between the two though, I guess the more detailed costumes are my favourite because I feel like I get to spend more time with the costume to really make it something special.
Speaking of Elsa, you recently did a gender bend of the character as well as Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Do you enjoy the creative process of transforming them into a male form?
YES! I have worked as a costume designer both for film and theater and it is something I hope to do more of in the future, mainly because I love the process of designing and interpreting a character. The artistic process of taking an individual and trying to imagine what they would wear to best suit them is a lot of fun and with genderbending you get to do just that. You’re not just trying to make something that looks great; you are making clothes for an opposite gender of the source material that still suits their personality. Especially with a complex character like Elsa, it can be quite the challenge.
You’re also alongside those cosplays are starting--if I could put it this way—sort of a push that anyone can dress up as who they want so long as they have fun whether it be boys cosplaying as girls or vice versa. How did that idea form?
I have always believed that we live in a world that is way too quick to judge and say you can’t do something for whatever reason, be it related to gender, sex, body type or race. Cosplay has always been sacred to me because it is a community in which EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and as soon as we start saying “NO!” in cosplay and start making reasons why people can’t cosplay, we are destroying a community and a logic that is unique and beautiful. I just want to try and do everything I can to keep the community accepting and supportive.
What do you think about cosplay as it is now hitting the mainstream?
I think it is a fantastic opportunity to take this accepting community us geeks have been developing for years and share it with the world as an example. However, as I see it, we get one chance to make an impact on the world, and I worry with all the recent hate and bullying that has been going through the community we are going to ruin our chance.
Do you have any upcoming cosplays for this year that you’re able to share?
Yes: I will be cosplaying as Fai d. Flowright for Otakuthon 2014 to enter in the World Cosplay Summit Competition. Fai is such a special character to me, so I am very excited for that! I also have a genderbend of Mystique from X-men in the works.
Photo by Abbie Warnock Photography
Do you imagine cosplaying being a part of your life within the next 5 years and do you hope to evolve your skill set?
I really do, I hope to never be living a life where I can’t either make or wear a costume. Every new costume is a learning experience; I really try and push myself with every single one to reach a new level, and to be able to sew more and more outlandish costumes while still maintaining proper sewing techniques!
What’s a day in the life of Niq?
Well I am now costume designing full time, if not for me than for my store that will be launching shortly. Right now my day kind of looks like this: wake up, caffeine, work out, sew, caffeine, sew, caffeine, sew, tea time (and watch an episode of something), and then sleep. The exception is on Sundays, when I run a Changeling: the Lost (Dark World/White Horse, fey mythos table top game… think horror D&D but with creepy faeries and heavily political) campaign for some friends.
Any upcoming game releases you’re looking forward to?
NEW POKEMON… well I guess new Pokemon remake, but that is VERY exciting for me! I loved Ruby and Sapphire, and THIS TIME I AM CATCHING A BLOODY FEEBAS, I DON’T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES! Also the new multiplayer 3DS Final Fantasy game sounds awesome, as well as The Order: 1886. I also like the sound of Final Fantasy 15.
Do you have a favorite convention?
It’s a toss-up between Otakuthon and Fanime in California. I love them for very different reasons. Otakuthon because it was my very first con and I have gone to it every year (except once) ever since. Fanime because it is the biggest con I get to go to, and I get to spend time with people I never get to see otherwise and enjoy the AMAZING weather.
If you could date any fictional female character who would it be and why?

Ferris from Final Fantasy 5 because she makes my inner Bartz happy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you guys enjoyed this interview with Detailed Illusion Cosplay! If you want to follow his work, be sure to check out his Facebook page linked below!


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