Photo by AshB Images |
When I first got into cosplay I honestly didn't know what to expect. I started making some new friends and I was at least known by lots of well known cosplayers from the internet. Let me ask you this, did you ever have that one friend who you instantly gravitated to you and understood what you go through from time to time and could tell him/her just about anything? I made that kind of friend through cosplay and I got the chance to interview her this past PAX East :).
Casey Anne is a cosplayer based out of Massachusetts and has been in someways as she puts it like a cosplay sister to me. She helped me out when I was ever feeling down even in the difficulties I had with the website I was a part of before I left due to complications with the owner not living up to her side of the bargain. Giving me advice while I was working on outfits. On top of all of that, Casey makes the most gorgeous cosplays ranging from extremely cute to complex and epic! I managed to meet up with her last Saturday and while she wasn't in a cosplay, Casey was more than happy to let me interview her cause she knew how much I've been wanting to feature her in proper fashion. Plus she was looking forward to it as well!
Photo by coolsteel27 Photography |
As best as we tried to pick a quiet spot, there were of course background noise which makes us a bit hard to hear. I did everything I could to reduce it in some video editing software so I really hope you guys enjoy it. To help out, Casey discusses her love of cosplay, how much her second version of Fran (seen on the left) is now her current favorite cosplay since it shows how far she's come as a cosplayer. Seriously just look at that armor detailing!
Casey also goes into her geeky life from starting out playing The Legend of Zelda (which happens to be her favorite series) with her Grandma at a young age which of course led to as she puts it "dying many times, deleting save files accidentally". Final Fantasy 10 and 12 are her personal favorites hence her doing 2 versions of Fran as well as Berserker Yuna from 10-2 which you can see below.
Katsucon is mentioned as being her favorite convention with its beautiful scenery on top of PAX and NYCC! Dragon*Con also gets a shoutout since it's amazing (so I've heard and I believe it). Casey also goes into describing what it is about strong female characters that she admires so much which is also apparent in her many versions of Juliet Starling!
Super shoutout to our friend Adam who held my phone up during the interview as well as my other cosplay friend Marie Grey who helped me in coming up with new and improved questions that will carry over to future interviews.
I really appreciate Casey taking some time to answer the questions I came up with for her and hearing that she reads my blog still when she gets the chance to means the world to me :) Like everyone else I saw at PAX East, I miss her so much already and hope to be able to chat with and see her at another convention soon. I hope you guys enjoy the interview!
Enjoy these other pictures I found that are favorites of mine :)
Photo by AshB Images |
Photo by coolsteel27 Photography |
Photo by Elysiam Entertainment |
Photo by Martin Wong |
Photo by Sweet Sensation Photography |
In case you couldn't hear where you can find her (and again I'm truly sorry) here are links to Casey's FB Page and Twitter! To Casey, thank you so so much for the interview and for everything you've ever done for me. You're one of my best friends I've made since I started cosplaying and I'm glad I get to geek out with you whenever I can :D