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Cosplay Feature: Lisa Lou's Harley Quinn!

Photo by Player 2 Photography
If it didn't click in your head yet as to how big a fan I am of Lisa Lou's cosplay work well hopefully this does it hahaha.  I wanted to feature her again in what is definitely one of, if not my favorite cosplay she's ever done! This being her own take on the famed Gotham City Siren Harely Quinn. Described by Lisa as "Ballerina Harley" the outfit is basically that. The components definitely show off the ballerina part. The clothing used is a varying mix of red and black along side different lengths for the sleeves. The wristcuffs are wide and have a fan like pattern to them. The bottom is half black/half red right down the middle and the leggings are just mixed on either side.

The wig is bright blonde with a small jester hat atop. Even the ballet skirt only covers her back which is keeping in with the theme of crazy and messed up. If you think about it, that definitely matches up what defines Harley's character. The mallet Lisa constructed is also incredible in size yet I'm wondering just how heavy is it? From the shoes, to the bra to just about everything else I mentioned, this Harley cosplay is perfect for the character in terms of being crazy to even sexy if it's alright to say, Lisa definitely pulls it off so well. Honestly as I've said before, this makes me so excited to meet her and possibly geek out. Hope I don't get too nervous when I do see her XD. Enjoy the pictures you guys!

Photo by Andrew DH

Photo by Andrew DH

Photo by Andrew DH

Photo by Player 2 Photography

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