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Cosplay Feature: Bishoujo Mom's KimochiiCon Lineup!

Photo by David Ngo It's been quite the journey for Juliette Michele otherwise known as Bishoujo Mom in the years I've followed her work! Between the insane success she's found with her spicy sites, Juliette's out here making booty & chest pillows, her own sex doll (good god) and now her own 18+ convention dubbed Kimochii Con! Formerly known as Waifu Expo, the convention wrapped up its second showing earlier this year in her home state of Texas. Born from the idea of wanting a safe & accepted adult themed convention with the current makeup being so limited, Juliette absolutely nailed all aspects of the event. From all the posts & feedback I've seen, this is definitely a convention I need to attend at some point in my own life. So of course Juliette had to bring out some intense cosplays for the event. This resulted in both Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 & her own mascot Spite the succubus, fully created in her likeness. Starting with Mizora, Juliette

Cosplay Feature: iObject Cosplay and Law's Injustice Green Lantern

Today I want to feature another male cosplayer who both me and my Dad had the pleasure of chatting with back at NYCC this year. His name is Cliff but goes by his page name of iObject Cosplay and Law. Why the odd name you ask? Well the "Law" part has to do with him in fact being a lawyer and he has talked about issues in the cosplay community mainly regarding rights surrounding cosplayers who sell prints and making deals with their photographers selling the shots. Not only that but Cliff is also an awesome cosplayer and a very interesting guy to talk to!

Photo by Betwixt Photos

Cliff alongside his partner Katie George (who you all know from here) made an Injustice cosplay with Green Lantern. What's awesome about this cosplay is the amazing paint job he gave certain parts to the outfit. Some of these pieces include awesome looking boots and a very detailed chest plate! And yes if you look at the above photo, that ring was rigged to work with an extremely thorough step by step process that Cliff outlined on his page!

Regarding the chest plate, it's made up of foam pieces hot glued together then primed and painted. Wiring was also involved to give the armor that light up feel. The ring itself was done by cutting holes in the glove and placing wires/devices through the glove attached to the bottom of the ring. The device is then activated to light up whenever Cliff makes a fist with his hand. This is about as brief as I can probably get and if you want to find out more information I have a link to his cosplay page down at the bottom of this page. The mask looks very well done and overall I love how the cosplay came out, it almost makes me a bit jealous that I could of done something similar regarding Nightwing's Injustice look that I wore at NYCC. I can only do so much with the budget I had though! Alongside another full shot of the completed outfit I also have work in progress pictures that Cliff posted up on his page that are really cool to look at!

Photo by Joseph Chi Lin Photography

The chest plate armor!

Look at those BOOTS!

Part of the elaborate setup Cliff did to make the ring light up!

If you want to learn more about this cosplay check out Cliff's Page!


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