Photo by Mineralblu Photography |
Struck First gives you a first look at a cosplay just as it's been debuted/had its first photoshoot. Cosplayers have been kind enough to let me have a first crack at analyzing the cosplay by providing me with brand new pictures.
Starting this week and then throughout July, I want to share certain ladies I know that took part in the amazing Shadow of the Colossus group at Colossalcon earlier this month! Spearheaded by Stella Chuu, she gathered 16 other cosplayers to portray cute designs of the remaining Colossus' PLUS the protagonist, Wander! All of these were designed by artist Shigatake! To start it off, I think Stella's Colossus is a solid choice. Here, Stella is all kawaii as Valus who's the first giant you kill in the game. In all of these special posts, I also included the reference drawing that each gal used with their own Colossus. You'll see how incredibly spot on they are! For Stella, there was a mixture of Worbla and EVA foam for making some of the armor bits. The wig is small and blonde with two round like horns that are brown in color, and the texture is really insane. You'll see texture be a recurring theme for all of these cosplays.
Photo by Dave Yang |
What's also really neat is that the wig has a spot that's colored in a sickly shade of green/blue. That symbolizes the weak spot that Valus has when trying to kill him. Traveling down from the wig, we've got a super cute neck piece that's all fuzzy and whatnot. The bra piece seems to be done in the same material. Armor wise, Stella's rocking small shoulder pauldrons, and wrist armor ending with brown gloves. The main torso piece is brown with white detailing and multiple belt straps. These straps also have small platforms sticking out of Stella's backside. The weathering details are just simply amazing, the added moss really brings this all together.
Leg wise, Stella has similar straps before you get to full leg coverings. These are as furry as they can get which ALSO symbolize the various fur patches you climb on every single Colossus. The small mace Stella wields is incredibly well made and I honestly can't guess well as to how it was made. Maybe through giant blocks of foam and massive carving/detailing?
Photo by Lagoon |
Each girl in this group got a plethora of photos taken and they are no short of amazing. Some of which had extreme editing involved to make them seem like they're in the game. All angles were considered too so you're welcome for the booty shots :D. I was absolutely blown away with the end result, giddy with excitement when I figured out both the group theme and who was actually in it! This is just the tip of the iceberg, check out these other shots of Stella as Valus!
Photo by Chris Bombardo |
Photo by Dave Yang |
Photo by David Ngo |
Photo by Eveille Photography |
Photo by Flashbang Cosplay Capture |
There you have it! This is what the next several cosplay posts will be like weekly in July! If you're not following Stella Chuu's work then wtf is wrong with you?! Check out her work here on her website :)