
Showing posts from December, 2016

Latest Podcast Episode

Cosplay Feature: Intraventus' Sylvanas Windrunner!

Cosplay Showcase: Geeks Guild's Goddess Umbreon!

Game Review: Final Fantasy XV

Cosplay Feature: Blood Empress' Tifa Lockhart!

Cosplay Showcase: PixelPantz Cosplay's Ashes of Al'Ar!

Game Review: Batman-The Telltale Series

Cosplay Feature: Lisa Lou Who's Witch Mercy

Cosplay Showcase: Mink the Satyr's Ninetails!

Cosplay Showcase: Oshley Cosplay's Queen Varian Wrynn!

Cosplay Showcase: Danielle Beaulieu's Kawaii Ragnaros!

Cosplay Feature: Ireland Reid's Battle Armor Emma Frost

Cosplay Feature: Danquish's SubReaper....or ReapZero?