Photo by Photosassin |
Yay new Cosplayer for today's feature! It's funny, the way I plan these is that I schedule them 2-3 weeks in advance. If you have been paying attention to the gaming world with E3 being over, then you may be aware that Square Enix's mega hit Final Fantasy was announced to be in development for the PS4. No I'm not talking about a port, more like full fledged HD graphics that rival what the Advent Children movie looked like! So it's perfect that I'm featuring the super cute Rachel Nycole as Tifa Lockhart! Rachel is over in Canada and I discovered her work through browsing on Instagram. Eventually I looked at her page and definitely wanted to feature one of her outfits. Tifa was the best choice since she looks amazing as her. As you can see from the picture above, this is Tifa's classic outfit. So the white tank top and suspenders are present.
Photo by The Kaigan |
There's also the addition of the black skirt that's attached to the suspenders. Rachel also has the arms covered perfectly with red gloves and silver armor pieces for her elbows. These look to be either Worbla or craft foam! I love how her red boots look, shiny and a perfect shade to compliment the lighter red shades for her gloves. The wig looks especially beautiful on Rachel and her facial expressions look so calm and serene. The poses seen in the photos are also very relaxed and she definitely looks to be ready for battle.
The lighting in the pictures make her face look soft and gentle which might be what Rachel was going for with these photos. There's lots other cosplays she's done that highlight the cute factor but it was much easier to write about this since I have had such a crush on Tifa in the past. The photos look absolutely beautiful! Enjoy them everyone!
Photo by The Kaigan |
Photo by The Will Box |
Please head over to Rachel's FB page and check out her other cosplays! You won't be disappointed :D