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Cosplayer Interview: Abby Dark-Star is Amazing!

Photo by Eurobeat Kasumi Photography
I'm really happy I get to properly showcase the jaw-dropping gorgeous work of Abby Dark Star for you guys. Abby is 1/2 of the cosplay duo Keabtium which consists of her and her husband Keith Zen! Based in California, Abby got into cosplay after attending her first convention while still in college. The following year in 2008, she constructed her first cosplay of the character Anita Blake! With a family completely into geeky things, it was only natural for Abby to have an interest in it growing up, especially with encouragement from her Dad who stayed at home with her. Her range of outfits is extremely diverse with having touched on every aspect of nerd media. For example, Abby has done cosplays from Queen's Blade and High School of the Dead which covers the anime area.

When looking at her work, I noticed in particular she was pretty even between cosplays from DC and Marvel. Abby herself doesn't prefer a certain publisher and even reads from other publishers like Image and Vertigo. One character however that she has gone back to multiple times is Poison Ivy. It's mainly the combination of her brains and beauty that attracts her to Abby. She goes into detail on how her Bombshell Black Canary cosplay was actually part of an idea fellow cosplayer Meagan Marie had in mind which led to a group cosplay between the 2 of them along with many others!

Photo by Judy Stephens

One thing about cosplay that Abby is a huge supporter on is the community it generated. Her website that she runs is full of tips and tutorials on the various aspects of cosplay. She feels that as we all learn more, it leads to new things being shared which in turn causes the community to grow. I couldn't agree more with that statement! I myself hope I get to meet her and Keith at a convention this year as they definitely seem like such sweet people! Hope you guys enjoy the questions!
What got you into cosplay and how long have you been doing it?
I was in theater from middle school all the way through college (where I majored in Drama Education) after my freshman year I decided that Iā€™d rather pursue my minor in History vs. Theater. I still desired a creative outlet.  Around that time I attended my first comic book convention, (2006/07).  I saw people dressed in costume of comics I had been reading for years, or sci-fi that meant so much to me. I loved it! The next year I put together my first costume, Anita Blake!
Thinking back to the last convention you were at, did you enjoy it?
I was last at Oz Comic Con in Perth & Adelaide, Australia. It was amazing. The cosplay community was very warm and welcoming!
What cosplay(s) did you bring to this convention?
I brought Indy Abby, Lara Croft and Virtual Girlfriend
What is your favorite cosplay youā€™ve made so far?
Picking a favorite costume is almost like asking your parents who their favorite child is! Each costume is different, special and through conventions, has its own set of memories! That being said, my Poison Ivy costume(s) will always be special to me. She is my favorite comic book character and whenever I get to recreate her, it makes me happy.
What got you into being a geek?
My whole family is geeky, but since my Dad stayed at home with me, he really encouraged my love of sci-fi and fantasy!
Photo by Photosnxs
Iā€™m glad that I started following your work a few months ago after seeing you mentioned by other cosplayers here and there since you look incredible in every cosplay from Claudette from Queens Blade  to Poison Ivy! Speaking of Ivy, you have done various versions of her from comic book runs to her look from the Arkham games. What draws you to that character?
I like how strong Ivy is. She is a brilliant doctor, but uses all her assets, from her brains to her body to accomplish her goals. She is focused and unapologetic about what she does
It seems that youā€™re pretty evenly split on cosplays from Marvel and DC Comics. Do you have a preferred publisher and why?
Not really. I also read a lot of non-major publishers like Image and Vertigo. I like a good story, thatā€™s what draws me. Sometimes there are not so great stories (some of the new DC 52 for example) which makes me drop books.
Aside from your comic book and video game cosplays, to me at least it looks like many of your cosplays are from TV Shows like Battlestar Galctica and movies like your Rule 63 Indiana Jones! Is that one of your favorite forms of entertainment media?
 I have done a lot of cosplay from TV shows, anime and video games. Iā€™ve only done one costume from BSG, my Starbuck.
You also run a site, and provide cosplay tips to those in the hobby via your page and YouTube, which are no doubt a big help to everyone who aspires to cosplay. Are you happy to see your tips being helpful and what got you into doing that?
Iā€™m really big about community. The more we learn, the more we share and that is the way this community can grow. New techniques can be discovered with every new person who joins, and I love to see that.
Photo by SGH PhotoArt
Whatā€™s it like cosplaying with your husband? You both have done some awesome cosplays together like Tony Stark and Black Widow!
Zen is my best friend and partner. When we donā€™t do costumes together, it feels weird. We met because of this hobby and we share a passion for it. In this and all things, weā€™re together.
One of the cosplays you debuted at San Diego Comic Con this year was the Bombshell version of Black Canary based off the statue from DC Collectibles. That has quickly become one of my favorite cosplays of yours! Was that initially a solo outfit for you or did you discuss it with your other group members including Lisa Lou Who and Meagan Marie?What was it like creating that cosplay?
It was actually Meagan Marieā€™s idea. She is a huge Wonder Woman fan, and at the time was living in Ireland. By doing the costume I got to hang out with my friend, so it was a win-win. The Canary costume was a lot of fun to make because most of it was a scratch build. I also love the Rockabilly style.
What do you think about cosplay as it is now hitting the mainstream?
I think it is great. It is no longer that weird thing that people do, itā€™s that fun thing that people do!
Do you have any upcoming cosplays for this year that youā€™re able to share?
Iā€™ve done Lara Croft, Virtual Girlfriend and I hope to bring my Satele Shan out this year again!
Photo by Steamkittens
Do you imagine cosplaying being a part of your life within the next 5 years and do you hope to evolve your skill set?
 I will never stop cosplaying. It will just change what characters I do, and I will never stop learning. Why stop? It is too much fun!
Whatā€™s a day in the life of Abby Dark-Star? Where did the name Dark-Star come from?
Back in the days of dial-up, AOL, ICQ and other chat mediums I used a variation of Dark Star as my screen name. Once I became active in the costuming community, everyone knew my first name, but I didnā€™t want my last name used. So I combined the old school with the new.  The Dark-Star was first given to me by a friend in high school because of some writing I did, he said it was ā€œDark, yet brilliant like a Star.ā€
Any upcoming game releases youā€™re looking forward to?
Iā€™m looking forward to Halo 5!
Do you have a favorite convention?
Dragon Con will always be my favorite convention.

Favorite Disney Princess?

Photo by Photosnxs

Photo by OscarC Photography
I really hope you guys liked learning a little more about Abby Dark Star and her cosplay adventures! I highly suggest you check out her work and follow her everywhere! To Abby, thank you so so much for taking the time to do this interview, I know it took awhile but trust me it was definitely worth it <3.

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