Photo by Eleventhphotograph.com |
I wanted to show you guys this beautifully done cosplay by NYC Assassin today. One of the big reasons for me is that the blue everywhere looks awesome and well, it's my favorite color! The character he's portraying is Vergil from the Devil May Cry reboot DmC that came out a few years ago. Rather than the classic long coat we're used to seeing, this Vergil is much more dapper looking. The cosplay consists of a dark blue fedora like hat with a silver strap circling around. Underneath the black jacket is a black turtleneck shirt so it blends together nicely. Going on to the jacket itself is mind blowing with the extremely intricate designs etched in. To me they give off a Japanese Yakuza vibe and it works for Vergil's character (I think, I'm not too well informed in the DmC lore). The etchings further up on the jacket are silver in color with the main one being closer to the bottom.
Photo by Cosplay With Me |
This main one on the bottom is a light blue so it stands out much more prominently. One of NYC's arms has a strap of fabric wrapped around that includes a symbol and is light blue as a whole. I absolutely love the light pastel blue gloves since again it drives in this classy look that Vergil has. Actually now that I look at the picture on the left, the jacket looks to be like a turquoise blue...yea I'm not sure anymore, ALL THE BLUE hehe.
The pants are a dark blue with stripes going up and his thighs have the blue patterning similar to the ones on his jacket. The silver wig NYC is wearing is short and stands out comparing it to the rest of the outfit. The sword is an awesome prop so it's a perfect addition for Vergil. Shiny black shoes top it all off. I know that NYC had great help especially in the etching parts thanks to his friends and I don't blame him. The whole process must have been tedious and done very carefully to get them right. The necklace he's wearing was also done by a friend if I remember reading the photo descriptions correctly.
Also the photos came out awesome. He stands confident and proud ready to mess up some demons. I love the edited ones with the blue background to match with Vergil's look as a whole. Definitely take a look at these photos and let me know what you think! :D
Photo by Cosplay With Me |
Photo by Eleventhphotograph.com |
Photo by Eleventhphotograph.com |
I highly recommend you guys check out NYC Assassin on Facebook. Some of his other cosplays are amazingly accurate and he just looks like the character he's portraying! One outfit that comes to mind is Starkiller from The Force Unleashed games!