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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

Cosplay Feature: Jessica Nigri's Mad Moxxi and Why I Love it so Much!

Photo by Darshelle Stevens
In the time that I've known cosplayer Jessica Nigri from meeting her a few years ago to recently at PAX East this year, she's created a definite handful of cosplays of famous characters. Some were gender-bends, others were characters she has an attachment with. She's been nothing but a great role model for me as well as being my convention buddy. I have lots of favorite cosplays that Jess has done over the years that she's been in this hobby but there's one that's earned a place as my all time favorite of hers. It's even become more apparent with new photos she recently did with this cosplay and that outfit being Mad Moxxi from Borderlands 2.

Photo by Larry Alan Photography
Mad Moxxi is one of those characters that many cosplayers know and have done even with guys doing gender-bends of her. When Borderlands was released I imagine that Moxxi was a cosplay that many people wanted to get the jump on sort of like how Elsa from Frozen was when the movie came out. She's a strong character, independent and sexy as all hell! The difference between Moxxi's Borderlands 1 and 2 look is simply the main color throughout and purple definitely looks awesome on Jess!

Jessica's Mad Moxxi was first debuted back in 2012 for New York Comic Con which was my second convention I attended. The cosplay as a whole is a bright purple fabric with a golden rope like trim along certain areas. At the time this was worn, Jess didn't have the black and white sleeves and shoulders decorated with the light blue swirls. The main part almost has like a tail-coat feel with the back extending down to her legs and the front just about covering what's between them.

Slightly visible are light blue underwear and a belt strap with a gun holster. Overall the outfit has a bunch of crazy parts such as the lone blue button on the front and the small top hat which I think has a little harness inside to stay on so it's not a traditional hat. One of my favorite parts of this outfit is the bra that she uses because it really looks extravagant. Either I'm wrong or I definitely see little stones on the trim of it. Obviously like Moxxi herself, Jess shows off her bust which is fitting for the character. When I saw this back at NYCC all I wish was that we got a better picture taken >_<.

This looked so amazing in person you guys!
In terms of makeup, Jessica had help getting it on from Monika. This includes the little heart on her chest, the black eyeliner design that looks like it's dripping from her eye and of course the white makeup all over her face. The photos that came back from the shoots she had there looked completely amazing. Though I get the feeling that Jessica wasn't completely satisfied with her Moxxi.

Flash forward to a couple of conventions up in Canada and now, Jessica decided to improver her Mad Moxxi greatly. This can mainly be seen with the additions of the blue swirls on the shouldrs and sleeves. Plus she was able to get the cell-shading makeup to just about perfect with her eye makeup, lines along the lip and inbetween her breasts. Plus she also decided to make her bust a bit bigger thanks to the various...tricks she's learned. Sorry I didn't want that to sound rude ^^.

These photos really came out amazing and the editing done afterwards just made them pop! Even though I already have a print of Jessica's Moxxi, I definitely want one of her improved version. She also did photos alongside fellow cosplayer and prop maker Jordan Duncan. With her Moxxi, Jordan did Kreig the Psycho who's a playable DLC character in Borderlands 2. Regarding these photos all I have to say is PRETTY COLORS!!

Photo by Larry Allan Photography

Other things to note about this cosplay include the black leather gloves Jess wears and how vastly different her legs are. One side is fully covered with a striped knee sock and the other has a stocking torn in various places. The boots are long with a yellow trim with black and white as base colors. The hat I forgot to mention is decorated with feathers and a playing card. The brown wig is long and looks absolutely beautiful on Jessica! Her eyes look also insanely blue.

The improvements she made for these recent pictures make her look even more like Moxxi came straight out of the game. I say this because I remember a little while after NYCC 2012 I was playing Borderlands 2 and was walking around talking to Mad Moxxi, my Dad comes down and looks at the screen and says "Hey I know her!" Referencing Jess' cosplay since he was with me that weekend as well. I pretty much just gushed about everything I could about this cosplay. Jessica looks beautiful and sexy as Mad Moxxi and I definitely would love to see it in person again, this time getting a better picture :). There's a bunch of photos I have for you guys so I hope you enjoy them!

To Jessica if you somehow read this: I really hope you enjoyed reading this, you'll always mean so much to me and thank you for all the support you've given me in the time I got to know you. You're the best and I can't wait to see you again this year!! <3

Photo by Anna Fischer

Photo by Anna Fischer

Photo by Darshelle Stevens

Photo by David Kadlubowski

Photo by Larry Alan Photography

Photo by LJinto

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