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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

Convention Report: Katsucon 2018

It's 11:30pm on the Monday I have returned from Katsucon this year. My heart is full of happiness, and I literally have so many memories around me, that one look at them and I start bursting into tears. I'll start off by saying that going into this con, I needed a huge pick me up. This was due to the unfortunate loss of my Dad who passed away last October from cancer. Most readers probably recall him being mentioned as my convention travel buddy for my time cosplaying since I started back in 2012 with NYCC as my second convention. It's also possible I went into this convention with high expectations which led to me having a bummer first half, only to feel so much love and care from literally everyone I've seen.

This was my second time attending Katsucon, and it certainly got bigger in attendance. The scenery of the National Gaylord Resort is a huge attraction point for cosplayers from around the globe. Literally we had a friend of my roommates pop in for a bit from Germany who attended. Speaking of which, I roomed with mostly the same folks from last year and new faces that I got a wonderful chance to bond with. Including Teragarm Cosplay, Princess Gigglesnort, ItsYoru's Cosvacado, Momokurumi Cosplay and Anya Braddock Cosplay to name a few. They and everyone else helped me in multiple ways with letting me vent out my issues that were bothering me and I couldn't be happier.

I don't want to stay up too late so that might hinder the detailing I go into for this report. I was picked up from my train station by cosplayers Ani-Mia and Uncanny Megan who both were few in being close with Dad and I at cons. They also helped in getting me back home. I seriously cannot thank them enough for all they did in checking to see if I was having a good time. In Megan's case, it was always "HAVE YOU EATEN ANYTHING?" XD. I even got to walk around with Mia as she visited with friends like Kristen Hughey who was doing a shoot in her Android 18 cosplay! She was also super fun to be around with and we were able to catch up a little bit.

More so I think I met so many new faces, several of which came from up north in Canada. Of course they were the lovely Seviria Cosplay and Rachel Nycole who you all know I've shared here multiple times. Sev was rocking a Genderbend James (worn with Jenna Lynn Meowri's Jessie), A2 from Nier Automata, and Shadow Evelynn from LoL. She let me hang with her while waiting for Jenna to come down from her room. Eventually she did and I saw her wandering around outside doing a shoot. Meeting her was just so surreal since I've been heavily crushing on her since the moment I started following her work last year. Rachel Nycole was quite possibly the sweetest gal I've gotten a chance to see. She was huge in boosting my mood, with her beautiful BotW Zelda and Saber cosplays <3. Coming home to her prints I ordered was just icing on a super sweet cake.

I also got to see much of the "local" cosplay group/friends that I knew of. From hanging with Mink the Satyr every day since she arrived Saturday, to bumping into Azumii and Midge Scully during the day and night time parties. Intraventus with her Monster Encyclopedia Girl group (including the likes of Byndo Gehk and Vanity Fox!) and her Kawaii Death Knight, she pretty much acted like a mom in saying how I should smile a lot more and that I have no reason to worry about what I was doing. Mink was rocking her own design of Mimikyuu as an extravagant Bass Guitar player along with Midge as a singing Jigglypuff. Mink also brought out her Aloy again with the added addition of her brand new bow. Azumii brought several cosplays such as a Blue Eyes Bard, part of a Doki Doki Literature Club (with Midge as Yuri!), Callie Marie from Cuphead and several more outfits.

I saw so many cosplayers in passing, some of which I was too shy to say hi to like Vivid Vivka's Poison Ivy, couple pair Aicosu with their Mercy (the brand new skin cause Sheila is insane) and Moira, Katie Cosplays and ALL DAT SAILOR MOON (who teamed up with Ms Rae Cosplay in the Sailor Senshi goodness). Jaycee Cosplay I saw in passing each day rocking gorgeous and cute outfits. From Bunny Stitch, to Hera X Power Girl in a Justice League Pantheon group (of which Ani-Mia was also a part of), and Pin-Up Belle!

You can see I'm rambling and jumping all over the place right? Ehh why not make these Reports more fun in nature, so far I haven't gotten a complaint <3. Let's see who else, Becka Noel was rocking her cute self who I saw on Sunday in civvies, but previously wore a gorgeous GoT cosplay! The West Coast also invaded in the form of my wonderful friends Karlibra, Blood Empress (WHO I FINALLY MET) and Bloodraven (who I missed!). Karli cosplayed as Asami in smoking hot dress form, whereas Christy wore Hilda from A Link Between Worlds! Both of them were beyond happy to see me, and reassured me I did nothing wrong <3.

Oh I also met Stephbot and wanted to adopt her like hard core cause OMG SWEETHEART ALERT! The dynamic duo of Momokun Cosplay and Vamplette were there, so of course I had to go see them! Mariah was rocking a Roadhog genderbend, an Incredible Saber cosplay from Fate Grand Order, and some Maid cosplay that I truthfully had no idea who it was. Vamplette on the other hand was MY QUEEN LUNAFREYA, and Lapis on Sunday. In the midst of all my worrying, they finally went away with additional outside help from Pixelpantz and Jessica Nigri who gave me pep talks due to them both being unable to make it. I can't thank them enough for all that they did for me. I also met some wonderful online friends like Kristen and Victoria who were both incredibly sweet. Other individuals I hung out with were Azura Cosplay dressed as Ghost and her new Void Elf cosplay (she said the Interview questions are coming soon so hang tight guys!) and Danielle Beaulieu who quite possibly became one of my highlights of the con.

Sunday ended up being the best day simply cause everyone I saw was on the Gazebo level. Doing last minute shoots and all that. Danielle unfortunately was unable to wear her Brightwing cosplay due to mishaps, however she did make me cry in surprising me with a Patreon package (it had a one of kind print only made for me), and superbly flattering words to cheer me up in what I've been going through.  Not to mention having JusCosplay thanking me for the write up I did on his Turalyon, Jihatsu saying hi in his killer Zoro from One Piece, and FOR REALS saying hi to photographer wizard Martin Wong. OH and I hung out with my big sis Megawatt Cosplay who was rocking a gorgeously sexy Maleficient cosplay.

There was also Lisa Lou Who as Meiko from Prison School who I hung out with at that time, then later that night at a Patreon Ice Cream meet up <3. Sadly I wasn't able to see her Widowmaker since she left early. I myself only cosplayed on Saturday as Prompto which led to David Ngo taking me out for a photoshoot and he helped practice my posing skills. The first of a few shots was posted and I was floored by how amazing I looked! :D

In the midst of all I've gone through in the last few months, everyone understood how I felt, said it was ok, and did so much in going above and beyond to make me feel included. I partied it up on Saturday night, and cried so many times out of all the sweetness everyone showed me. Other individuals I saw included Sutefaniiroozu, Heather Ashe as a banging Nightwing gender bend and my roomies in their own cosplays! I'll let the rest of the pics do that talking <3.

Everyone made sure I was in high spirits and I just left the con wishing I could have slowed down time. Only so that I could spend more time with those I did and tell them everything that was on my mind. If there happens to be doubles of the exact same shot, let me know and I'll get rid of it. I hope this was an enjoyable report. Katsucon highlights some of the best cosplayers across the globe, aside from that, it's where I form some of the strongest friendships and bonds with people who are just like me. Geeky and wierd (IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE) <3

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