Photo by J. Haas Photography |
Struck First gives you a first look at a cosplay just as it's been debuted/had its first photoshoot. Cosplayers have been kind enough to let me have a first crack at analyzing the cosplay by providing me with brand new pictures.
Can't stop, won't stop with Blizzcon! My best friend Karlibra had attended the con in the past but only in small bursts if memory serves. This past one however she went all out in creating a cosplay from Diablo 3. Specifically, resembling the ever popular Demon Hunter cosplay. For Karli, this tested her skill level immensely and she credits her Patreon being a huge help in motivating her to finish. First glance you can tell that it looks to have a black under suit for comfort with all the armor pieces placed on top. Though I wouldn't be terribly surprised if this outfit made her feel hot on top of CA's crazy heat. Most of the armor can be seen from her thighs traveling down the legs. The chest is interesting in that it gives off the look that Karli is wearing a corset in the middle section of it.
Photo by Coslife |
Lots of scaling and patterns can be seen in the armor pieces. For example, the breast plate has a diamond like pattern which is repeated in the leg pieces. Karli looks to have baggy sleeves underneath the gauntlets. Then there's of course the giant hood that leaves lots of space on the inside. The color scheme as expected involves a lot of black and silver. Some of the shots utilize brightness in order to have the colors stick out more. One other thing about the hood is that it's lined out in the same silver as seen in the many armor pieces.
Karli is also utilizing cloudy tinted contacts. No doubt she couldn't see very well out of them. Seems to be the case with other cosplayers that utilize this type of contact lens. A long black wig can be seen from behind the hood. Black leather gloves are also visible too! Karlibra wanted to test herself with this build and I can definitely say she outperformed and kicked so much butt in wearing this completed Demon Hunter! Check out the other photos I found!
Photo by Extra Noodles Co |
Photo by Maison Hikari |
Photo by Maison Hikari |
Photo by Topher Oriel |
Karlibra is one individual you CANNOT afford to miss out on when it comes to amazing content. She's one of the most passionate individuals I know. Below you'll find links to her Twitter and Patreon. Please give her a look if you haven't already <3