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Cosplay Feature: Siren Song Cosplay's Scarlet Witch!

Photo by Fatalj_Photography "We're so back" & "It's so over" are pretty common sayings when it comes to new projects releasing under the MCU Banner. One thing that hasn't really change is the cosplay itch to portray the wealth of characters in the franchise. Whether it's the direct movie counterpart or original comic appearances. Especially today which you'll absolutely see starting next month with Marvel Rivals' launch, I think cosplays for these characters will hit a boom within this year & next. It's why for today, I wanted to talk about Siren Song Cosplay's rendition of Wanda's full Scarlet Witch persona she wields post-Wandavision. For starters, just like the name implies, deep scarlet red makes up the majority of the cosplay color scheme with black coming in for the pants area. I'm jumping ahead though. Let's do this properly right?

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