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STRUCK FIRST: Oki-Cospi as Armored Mera!

Photo by Saucyjack

Struck First gives you a first look at a cosplay just as it's been debuted/had its first photoshoot. Cosplayers have been kind enough to let me have a first crack at analyzing the cosplay by providing me with brand new pictures.

I've certainly grown to love any variation of Mera that Allyson (otherwise known as Oki-Cospi) makes so you best believe I got excited with this one! Taking cues from both the Aquaman and Justice League movies, this is a more armored up look for the Xebel princess. To simply break it down, Allyson has her bodysuit used for a previous Mera but layered it up with armor pieces. From the main chest piece, to her shoulders and gauntlets. For the armor, the color scheme definitely has that rusty gold look which has that Justice League vibe. There's a lot of texture added in for that 3D feel in the chest piece. Various line patterns intersect all over when they eventually converge down at the belt/waist.

Photo by Sadboiphotos
At the belt area, Aquaman's symbol can be seen in the middle. There's lots of space for Allyson's leg area with some side/hip armor and small bands as you travel down. I really love the patterns seen in the hip armor with the cut in lines and trim. Her boots seem to part of the bodysuit. Another thing about Oki's Mera is that her wig is pretty much perfect! It's a fantastic long length and LOOKS SO PRETTY <3. Mera's signature crown rests on top of the wig and certainly looks secure!

Did I also mention the massive trident she's wielding? It's definitely the classic design that Arthur is known to have in the comics. AND THE PHOTOS HOLY FRICK! Ones like on the left were taken and the forest scenery is beyond perfect. Not to mention the poses that Allyson is making being on point for the character. The cosplay managed to have her win a cosplay contest held by Vero at C2E2 so I'd say it was a well deserved win. I'm curious if some of the armor designs were taken as cues/homage to Jason Momoa's portrayal of Aquaman since I get that vibe when looking at certain pieces like Oki's shoulders!

Photo by PinoyPhotoGuy

Photo by Stevie D Photography

Photo by Sadboiphotos

Photo by Sadboiphotos

Allyson is such a hard working cosplayer and definitely deserves all the success she's seeing at the moment. Her Patreon content is super rad while of course touching on the sexy/cute side to cosplay. Please check her work out down below and consider throwing support her way :D
Thank You to the following peeps for Supporting this Blog on Patreon <3
Coralea Jade
Katyuska Moonfox
Mink the Satyr
Nicole Marie Jean

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