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Cosplay Feature: Shellanin's 2B!

I got connected to cosplayer Shellanin and holy smokes is her work absolutely GORGEOUS! Today, her version/take on 2B from Nier Automata is what I wanted to share with you all. As a character, many cosplayers have fallen in love with 2B from her design to personality in the game. She's got that cute yet mysterious flair and Shellanin definitely tapped into that for this cosplay I feel. Overall, it's mainly black and white for the whole cosplay, with Shellanin having a full blown black dress with a mid size skirt going on at the bottom. See through fabric makes up the collarbone area, and there's just a lot of frilly detailing alongside the skirt!

Either she came up with the shapes you'll see on the skirt or they were directly from the game itself. Shellanin also has a small sash wrapped around her waist. There's also long white gloves with a black end for her hands. The standout piece for this cosplay is for sure the wig. Similar to how Kadu=Out and Jihatsu did their wigs for Cloud and Sephiroth, there's a lot of curls going on. What's cool is that Shellanin has it styled up in such a way that one side covers an eye completely, so it kinda makes 2B's patch not needed. Of course there's some shots where the full blown eye patch can be seen!

The lighting is very dark in the finished shots and the background really blends in with the color scheme of the cosplay. Lots of white, grey and black in these pics plus it's a very industrial like setting. To me that makes sense since the vibe is similar to what's found in Automata. Shellanin's facial expressions are very stoic and serious which is SO ON POINT to 2B's nature! Seriously I love how these pics came out, hopefully you all will too!

All Photos by Fox Fhotography!

Be sure to visit Shellanin's website to follow her on Social Media AND see more of her beautiful cosplays! You won't regret it <3
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Coralea Jade
Katyuska Moonfox
Mink the Satyr
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