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STRUCK FIRST: Sutefaniiroozu as Rocket Raccoon!

Struck First gives you a first look at a cosplay just as it's been debuted/had its first photoshoot. Cosplayers have been kind enough to let me have a first crack at analyzing the cosplay by providing me with brand new pictures.

My wonderful friend Stephanie (known online as Sutefaniiroozu) did a wonderfully cute Rocket Raccoon cosplay for DragonCon a couple weeks back so of course I wanted to talk about it! I'll say it up front, Steph looks superbly cute as everyone's favorite gun toting raccoon. The cosplay itself looks to be in 2 parts with a top and pants. Orange and black are the main colors here which are split into various segments throughout the cosplay. Steph is also rocking simple black shoes for footwear. As simple as this cosplay looks, the two main pieces are the blaster and Steph's headdress. Starting with the latter, Stephanie is wearing a headdress which perfectly resembles a raccoon's head. Definitely has the quality that reminds me of Spirit Hoods! It was actually commissioned by her friend Cobalt Cosplay! She also has a matching tail attached on the back of her pants.

The blaster on the other hand is a completely different beast. Being the owner of a 3D printer, it wouldn't surprise me of some parts were done with that method. The material almost looks like cardboard or foam was used in its full construction. The shape of the blaster is pretty intense plus the weathering effects done make it look much more realistic. Definitely a metal look to it from this! A boudoir version of this was done for her Patreon so Steph snuck in one of these pics for me to share with you all <3. Being the kind of con DragonCon is, comfy cosplays are probably recommended and her Rocket fits that requirement easily!

The photos I have for you guys show Stephanie showcased outside of a building and what looks like to be on top of a roof. The overall color combination makes her cosplay stand out a lot and I'm beyond proud of Steph for doing such an amazing job on the blaster prop. Check out the photos down below! :D

All Photos by Evil_S14!

Please check out Stephanie's FB page and Patreon for more stellar work and overall sweetness <3

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