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Cosplay Feature: Moderately Okay Cosplay loves Final Fantasy XV!

Photo by TEoSB-Cosplay & Photography
With my Review of FFXV having gone up not too long ago, figured it was time to shine some light on even more cosplays from the game right? That's where Moderately Okay Cosplay comes in with not just one, but all 4 of the main boys you spend your adventure with! Though for this feature, I only managed to find pictures of everyone except Gladiolus so hopefully you're all ok with that. Starting off with the crown prince himself, John's Noctis matches up perfectly with the character's default black leather get up. The jacket has the zippers in the right places along with a single glove for one of his hands. The pants look to cut off slightly near his socks too. The wig for Noctis is pretty stellar with its spike levels off the charts. The photos I have depict John recreating a pivotal moment in the game along with him showing off the signature Engine Blade. Even though the side of the prop is mostly shown, the detailing that went into the hilt is pretty amazing!

Photo by Travis Photography
Next up is everyone's favorite recipe hoarding tactician Ignis!  I should also note that all of the boys are in their default garb they start in. Ignis is certainly one to overdress for traveling and fighting on their way to Altissia, with a full on jacket suit. The gloves look to be leather like motorcycling gloves. I truthfully have to wonder how some of this was gathered since the kind of clothes these guys wear must not be easy to actually come by. Alterations were probably done to existing pieces in order to closely match them. With Ignis, John also has the hair perfected with another wig styled straight up. The glasses also really bring the whole cosplay together! You can tell with the posing that he's coming up with some sharp strategies for the group.

I've managed to only grab one photo of Prompto but oh man is it a good one. Full body shot showing off the crazy amount of gear he has on. The shirt has an insane pattern done in white and the leather jacket has studs covering it. The gun prop is tilted slightly over his head too in this shot. Wig styled up also to match the design of the skilled photographer. All of these photos have some rad lighting and I can tell John had a blast cosplaying all of these characters. Check out the rest of the pics and let me know what you think!

Photo by TEoSB-Cosplay & Photography
Photo by TEoSB-Cosplay & Photography
Photo by TEoSB-Cosplay & Photography

I'd definitely consider checking out Moderately Okay Cosplay's page if I were you guys. His portfolio of outfits is amazing and I'm more than comfortable saying his cosplays are anything but his namesake! :D

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