Photo by Joseph Chi Lin |
You can imagine my excitement when I found out that Monika Lee was creating Yuna's starting dressphere from Final Fantasy X-2. She already is the definitive Yuna in my eyes having done her FFX outfit so yea, I was pretty pumped. I even got to see this in person and I was fangiring on the inside <3. For those unaware, this is the Gunner outfit that Yuna starts in when you boot up the game. The color scheme and design shows callbacks to her original outfit from the first game. From the long skirt to the white top with pink going along the bottom. Monika also has yellow arm bands with black lacing. The white top is laced up forming the Zanarkand Abes logo. This of course referencing her lost love Tidus who was the star player for the blitzball team. Monika has her neck adorned with a pink collar of sorts.
Photo by MineralBlu Photography |
Monika is wearing a short brown wig that looks incredibly cute on her. At first I thought it was the same one from her classic Yuna but then I had a derp moment because different styles -_-. The skirt is layered with varying shades of blue/purple and is designed in such a way that enable lots of movement for her legs. Mainly being long and extended on the back. Along her waist is a brown strap with a satchel. The boots are absolutely ridiculous, long and filled with white lacing to strap it up. Prop wise, Monika had fellow cosplayer Li Kovacs create her twin pistols and they came out beautifully.
The engravings on them is so precise and clean. Monika looks so peaceful and innocent as Yuna with her posing. Showing off most of the outfit sitting down and standing up. I love the confidence Monika shows in one of the pictures with the pistols by her side. One thing I really love is the passion that she puts into all of her cosplays. Everything turns out stellar in the end, add in her super sweet personality and I'm more than happy to have her inspire me constantly <3. I MISS HER OK?!
Photo by JwaiDesign Photography |
Photo by Joseph Chi Lin
I assume most of you people already follow Monika Lee on FB but if for some weird reason you haven't yet, then click the link! JUST...DO IT! :) She's currently making Yuna's Festivalist outfit, ALL THE YUNA COSPLAYS!