Photo by DL Photography |
For today, I want you all to meet cosplayer Midge Scully! Midge is based around the East Coast and I do remember seeing her pop up on my Social Media from time to time. The cosplay that I have for you guys is what drew me in to following her work! In continuing with the Eeveelution theme of features (see last Friday!), Midge is seen in her Espeon gijinka! With it being a Psychic type, Midge went and created a sort of mystic/gypsy form for Espeon. The result ends up being a beautiful outfit. The fabric choices are spot on and totally fitting of the concept. The top is that of a typical gypsy/bellydancer with the beads coming down towards her stomach area. The shoulder straps are rather draped slightly below her shoulders. Attached to the back of Midge's arms, are even longer drapes that loop back up. I love the gemstone placements throughout the cosplay.
Photo by Cantera Cosplay |
The bottom area is similar fabric to the arm drapes and top. Midge is also wearing a belt and tiara that look to made of the same material. Color wise, it looks to be a very cool gray. The ears for Espeon are probably one of my favorite parts of the whole cosplay. Definitely look to be done with felt-like pieces of fabric. Stuffed up to give it the fluffy volume you see in the pictures. Midge's wig is a light shade of violet which goes with basically everything else in the cosplay. She also applied mystic like make up for her face and I like how the eye shadow looks!
Midge definitely looks mysterious with the poses she's making. Arms raised up with her hands pressed to her head as if she's reading your mind. Totally a thing psychics do right? XD. She's just one of the many new cosplayers that I hope to meet one day and trust me, this is just a small taste of the other cosplays Midge has created! :) Enjoy the other pictures guys!
All other Photos by DL Photography!
Definitely check out Midge Scully's FB page for more cosplays that she's made along with following her on her nerd adventures!