Photo by Pixelette Photography |
For today I wanted to show a common area that which most cosplayers go when creating outfits. Some ladies do it often more so than others to a point where it defines a part of their cosplay set. This being pin-up. For those who aren't aware, pin-up is a modeling style that has the model portray themselves in a sensual manner in either dresses, corsets or bikinis depending on what's being shot. I've managed to collect a decent amount of photos so I'm going to go through each girl below. Let's start with the lovely lady up above Monika Lee.
Photo by Pixelette Photography |
The look that Monika is going for here looks to strongly resemble the kind of girl you would see in an old-fashioned crime/gang movie. More like the girl who always manages to be a part of something that others would question. I absolutely LOVE the make-up that Monika's friend Lindze did on her and the lipstick really pops alongside her bright red hair. The jewelry is also very fancy as is the dress. The other photo directly above this I love in print form (cause I have it hehehehe).
Photo by AshB Images |
At the moment this is the only pin-up photo that I have of Ani-Mia. The cool thing about this photo was that she dedicated it to one of her fans who bought her the bikini top. The colors of the outfit match to me the kind of clothing you would wear on say a boardwalk area. The pose Mia makes is definitely pin-up like and very attractive. Seriously the lips really pop here as well ^_^.
Photo by DangerNinja Photography |
One of the things that cosplayer Ivy Doomkitty is known for is modeling corsets either pin-up style or boudoir. The one up above is boudoir with a hot pink corset alongside a flimsy skirt and clear white stockings. The setting fits the mood and Ivy definitely has the look as if she were inviting you over. Other pin-up outfits she's done as shown below are more in the long dress area. The first photo is a Captain America themed dress complete with a hat and sexy high heels. The other dress is black with white polka-dots with a red belt around her waist. Both photos have Ivy laying down all innocent like and definitely show off how beautiful she is.
Photo by Geri Kramer Photography |
Photo by Geri Kramer Photography |
Kristen Hughey shows off in dresses much like Ivy did in the above photo. What's different to me about this one however are the poses and look that makes her almost like a housewife who lived in the 40s/50s (if I got my time period wrong oops). These photos were also taken near Valentine to fit the them of love and were offered as special postcards included with print orders. The poses Kristen makes here definitely give off that vibe and she looks absolutely gorgeous. Red roses with candy being incorporated in the pictures. The red and black dress she wears fit her oh so much! Glamour would also be a fitting word for the photos below also!
Photo by Eye Shutter Photo |
Photo by Eye Shutter Photo |
Lastly I wanted to show also the only pin-up photo that Jessica Nigri has done at this point. Here the make-up and photo were done by the same people who did Monika's photo up at the top. As for the outfit itself, Jess is wearing a simple but sexy lingerie piece while laying on a comfy bed (least it looks comfortable to me). The pose she gives is definitely sensual with one hand on her head resting and another just so slightly tugging at the bottom. I'm betting you alot of mouths dropped open the minute she posted this on her page and I really want this as a print also :3.
Photo by Pixelette Photography |
To all my readers...you're welcome XD. Hope everyone enjoyed this little showcase!