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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

Game Review: Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is the second game within the acclaimed Trilogy. Slight differences were made for this game in terms of combat and travel etc. More on that later on, the game opens up exactly 1 month after the events with Saren and the Reaper ship Sovereign. Shepard and the Normandy crew are out on a little route when their ship is attacked by an unknown alien ship. The ship perishes as does most of its crew and Shepard is presumed dead. 2 years pass and that's where the game's events take place. You are recruited by the organization Cerberus to stop a new oncoming threat that has a connection to the Reapers.

Much of the traits and elements that made the first so special are retained here. To make the experience more personal, you have the option to import your character from Mass Effect and have the choices you make be reflected. Some events are even reflected or mentioned by various returning characters. For those that didn't play the first game, Bioware gives players the option to download a 15 minute explanation and allow you to make the choices that are reflected in the previous game (known as Mass Effect 2: Genesis) You can change the facial features or go with a new look. The type of class you want Shepard to be can also be changed (for my own purposes, I stuck with Soldier). Speaking of which, you are given a brand new team of operatives with some old teammates joining up and some making cameos. You have the Cerberus Operatives Jacob and Miranda, Garrus returns (in a rather badass way I must add), a dying assassin named Thane, and many more.

The interface is changed though I did not have the top left addition
The gameplay interface has changed. Your health is displayed in the center below you with your squad below that. Also instead of weapons having an overheat, they now require ammo. The ammo type can be changed on the fly by simply mapping them to a certain button. A new "heavy weapon" type is introduced which opens up to items like grenade launchers, laser beams, missile launchers etc. Other than that nothing new, just the standard shooting mechanics. Your powers are also utilized a bit more than I recall in the first game. Your level isn't retained and you use squad points gained after each level up to spend in certain rows. Once the row is filled (up to 4) you are given 2 choices to ultimately evolve that skill. Hacking and bypassing safes and firewalls return in a much more enjoyable form of matching circuits and finding corresponding data sheets.

How leveling up works. Assign squad points to enhance new powers.
The ship is given a complete makeover and upgrades can be acquired throughout the game for you, the crew and the ship itself (which is useful for choices/outcomes in the game). The element of choice returns with your options showing up during conversation. Added is the ability to press the either of the trigger buttons during a conversation to either do a Paragon or Renegade action which affects the story either in your favor or costly. Traveling is also changed in that moving from system to system costs fuel and discovering planets involve launching probes to either find landing spots, side missions, or materials used for upgrades. Both fuel and probes can be purchased at "Fuel Depots". Any missions can also be viewed on the map corresponding to where you need to go.

New Map Screen for traveling.
You can also "romance" certain team members as you can in the first game. If they work you'll be treated to scenes like the one below ;). You can also lose ALOT more members, as of this writing I lost 3 members total, all on one mission too. Yea it's brutal, apparently you can save everyone but I didn't look up how so I might save that for another play through one day. The only complaint I have aside the usual frustrations from dying alot, at certain points Shepard would freeze and I would be unable to move him thus loading up a prior save and restarting a mission at points. The story was much more impactful and the characters were incredibly fleshed out. I enjoyed each of their loyalty missions and while I disliked some and rather had them die instead of what I ended up with (why are you so unlikable Jack), my time with Mass Effect 2 was enjoyable.

*cough cough* SO HOT *cough cough* I'm sorry...
Trilogy Notes: The trilogy set came packed with a code for some DLC titled "Cerberus Network". This included a cool looking armor set as well as a kick ass weapon known as the "Arc Projector". An extra character for your squad named Zaeed was also given in this set plus 5 extra missions known as Project: Firewalker. These missions included you searching for information regarding a specific project and the missing scientists. All of which involved you piloting a mini ship on the planet (which had MUCH better controls than piloting the Mako in ME1).

Should you play this game? 
Yes, with an engaging story, an epic cliffhanger, and the looming threat now coming into play with the Reapers, Mass Effect 2 was definitely a step up from the previous game!

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