Photo by Dan Dang |
Through my friend Karlibra, I found out one of her first cosplay friends did this incredible Sora genderbend. So being the KH nut that I am, this outfit was definitely something I wanted to chat to you guys about :D. Compared to Sora's original design, Lynn simplified it to the cutest form. Here, she went with the KH2 design much like Karli's Riku. Short black shorts make up the bottom with yellow stripes traveling down her sides. A blue top with a red section down at the bottom makes up the top. White stripes are seen in this small area as well. Lynn also has a jacket made up of black, white and gray fabric parts. The gray on her shoulders give off that armor/pauldron vibe and looks so awesome.
Photo by Coslife |
Of course, it wouldn't be Sora without his iconic Keyblade and necklace! For the keyblade, Lynn went with the classic default Kingdom Key. I'm unsure as to how this was made or if it was purchased, but regardless it looks simply amazing. Lynn weilds it well especially in the poses she made both solo and with Karli like in the picture on the left. Lynn's hair looks beautiful as well! The necklace of the crown was definitely made and is another stand out piece in that you certainly can't miss it ^_^.
Lynn also made gloves which match Sora's design. A mixture of black, white and yellow fabric with lines going everywhere. That's Tetsuya Nomura for ya, crazy designer obsessed with zippers and crazy lines. The small boots look great as well. I just love this cosplay overall and am so happy that I discovered Lynn's work. She's AMAZING <3. Enjoy the other pictures guys!
Photo by Rulison Photography |
Photo by NELSPHOTO |
Photo by NELSPHOTO |
Photo by Wiseley Fong Photography |
Please consider checking LynnX Cosplay on Facebook! She's done several other cosplays such as Sasuke Uchiha and an incredibly cute Sexy Jutsu cosplay as well! You won't be disappointed!