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Cosplay Showcase: MeltingMirror's Storm!

Photo by U. V. Photography

Here's an electrifying cosplay to start your Friday! Today, I've got MeltingMirror in what is simply a spot on Storm from X-Men! As one of the standout/original members of the massive cast of characters, MM does an amazing job capturing Storm's presence and nature with the posing. Over the years, Storm has had plenty of outfits so the version here is the all white suit. Complete with gold trim on the cape and the right side of the bodysuit. Truthfully, the suit makes up the entire cosplay with tall white boots which look to have been covered up to get that sleeve to stay on. The outfit itself goes up to her neck with the collar having a gold trim around her. At one point, the trim then travels down the cosplay up to a gold belt around MM's waist. Near the top portion of the suit are circles with the team symbol done in black and red. This certainly works well as a high contrast to the very bright cosplay.

The cape is a different story. First off, it looks to be attached via shoulder pads which again have a single gold strap on each. Each pad has a long piece of white fabric with gold trim all around. At the ends is a gold loop for MM's hands so she can raise them up for poses when photos are taken. Some of these stances are classic for Storm, as if she's summoning a devastating disaster for her foes. The pure white wig is actually insane and I love how poofy it is along with the overall shape. It certainly gives off that static look when dealing with electricity. Even lightning bolts were added in post for some of the pictures! Her contacts are mainly icy white to show that trance like state Storm goes in when using her powers.

The gold loops around the hands look to be the same material as the other gold elements. Though in comparison, it certainly looks thicker to provide support and comfort. I wonder if it got tiring for MM to constantly have her hands in said loops at conventions? Whatever the case is, I truly love how this cosplay looks and MeltingMirror absolutely killed it in both its construction and the posing departments. Check out these other shots!

If you want to see more of MeltingMirror's work, check out her website for a portfolio among other helpful information!
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Coralea Jade
Katyuska Moonfox
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