Many of you readers may recall Intraventus as an incredibly talented cosplayer and one of the sweetest gals I know. However, you may be surprised to learn that she recently took up Bodypainting over on Twitch and the growth she's seen has been phenomenal. More so on the creative side on Twitch, bodypainting has cultivated a wonderful group of individuals that do character creations replicated on their bodies. Intra streams multiple times throughout the week with a different character each time. From characters like Lenore and Trevor Belmont from Castlevania, to Lara Croft, an alt-girl version of Cruella Deville, Jaina Proudmore and a GIANT assortment of other characters. Recently Intraventus celebrate her one year anniversary as a bodypainter and as such, decided to tackle Kerrigan--Mother of the Swarm--from Starcraft.

Intra usually starts each stream with a coated base along her chest before really digging into it with a variety of colors. For example, on the left you'll see her Triss Merigold from The Witcher and the multiple shades of green next to the gold trim lines. She even can go as far as covering full sleeves worth of detail. For other characters, she can add in there specialty effects like the cel-shading of Borderlands or the blockiness of Lara Croft. I've been to several of her streams and they're always a blast. I'm unable to usually stay through the full paint but it's very interesting to look at her set up and the mirrors she uses. Not to mention of course a giant view of the character she's painting.
After every paint she goes a step further and will add on a wig to match and alter a background with a color that fits the character. Purple for Maleficient? You got it! Blue for Cortana? Why not? Speaking of which, even the intricate details like Cortana's digital lines can be seen on Intra's body. For characters that wear very little like Starfire, Intraventus covers the exposed areas matching up the skin color rather than using her natural skin. She's won my heart even more with the MULTIPLE personal fan favorite characters of mine that she's painted. There are also her own takes on characters such as a super sparkly Pink Widow which is a Venom like take with the color scheme.
Princess Midna
It's even more wonderful to see even Intraventus noting her own improvements in detailing after just 1 full year of painting. Some characters like Zero Suit Samus have been done multiple times to highlight the new techniques she's learned. After each bodypaint session (I think? if not then most I would say) Intra is able to provide sexy content via shower videos over on her OnlyFans. Can confirm, they're definitely up there on sexiness level <3. Intraventus hasn't been so much in the cosplay crafting room lately but I'm just incredibly happy she's found a new hobby that's given her a lot of joy and excitement. Here are a collection of her previous finished bodypaints :)
Princess Peach
Sniper Wolf
Jaina Proudmoore
Lara Croft
Cruella DeVille
Zero Suit Samus
Tifa Lockheart
Princess Zelda
Trevor Belmont
Mad Moxxi
Pink Widow
If this hasn't convinced you to check out Intraventus' work and live streams, I don't know what else will. You'll find all the links down below <3
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Coralea Jade
Katyuska Moonfox
Mink the Satyr
Nicole Marie Jean