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Shutting One Door, Keeping others Open

UPDATED ON 8/20/21: Facebook, Patreon and Blog IG pages have been shutdown/discontinued As the COVID pandemic rages on and cons are even shutting down into 2021, it got me thinking on a drive home one night about how I'd feel with even coming back to blogging. When cons eventually do come back at some point. Truth be told, many of the posts and content I shared here could be transferred over to more discussions via my podcast CosplayBytes. I've been blogging my love for games, cons and cosplay for 7 years now and maybe it's time to say goodbye for now? My podcast has gotten me some incredible opportunities as a member of Press for conventions, and the rapid love I've had for streaming is also taking up a lot of time now. On top of multiple personal things on my end, I don't think I have the energy to keep this up even post COVID you know? The very first cosplay centered post I wrote was on Jessica Nigri's Deadpool, and since then it's spawned over 800 posts

STRUCK FIRST: Jenna Lynn Meowri + Handsome Jordan as Sylvanas Windrunner and Kalecgos!

Photo by Saffels Photography

Struck First gives you a first look at a cosplay just as it's been debuted/had its first photoshoot. Cosplayers have been kind enough to let me have a first crack at analyzing the cosplay by providing me with brand new pictures.

Arguably one of the most ambitious cosplay groups I've seen so far, Knights of the Ebon Blade just debuted this month at BlizzCon. Coming from mastermind illustrator Zach Fischer, dozens upon dozens of beloved Warcraft characters were re-imagined as servants to the Lich King. As such, I wanted to take this month (and part of December) to highlight some of my favorite cosplays that were a part of this group. Due to the sheer number of people I have, these will be done in pairs. I've got my favorite gal Jenna Lynn Meowri as well as Handsome Jordan as Sylvanas Windrunner and Kalecgos respectively. Kicking it off with Jenna, she went crazy on this build given the amount of time she had left to work before the actual convention. For the current Warchief, Jenna is full on black and purple which is her in-game color scheme. The main portion includes a single black leotard suit with a criss cross pattern up at her chest. This of course gives off an opening. Lots of the cosplay can be seen on her arms and legs.

Not to mention also her Ranger hood and cape which I'll get to in a little bit. Jenna's arms have a black sleeve made in the same material as her bodysuit, with a brown sleeve underneath. The armor consists of pauldrons and gauntlets. The shoulders have a silver trim with the rest done in purple. There's also the added skull that Jenna sculpted into each of them. At the top of these pieces, she stuffed up purple feathers sticking upwards. She also was rocking full LED lights within them in addition to the gauntlets. Speaking of which, the gauntlets also were full silver and purple in design and pattern. Jenna also has a choker on in black with a tiny skull brooch placed on it.

Knowing Jenna loves to go all out on projects like these, she also went through body paint for all of the exposed skin. Getting down to her waist is where the belt comes in. Typical design is what you'd expect with of course the skull placed front and center. The middle of the belt is where chains are draping downwards. Right underneath on Jenna's hips are horns done in silver and then additional armor plating. LED gems can also be seen here too! The tattered fabric in this area lets her move a little more easier with full leg exposure.

For Jenna's legs, she looks to have placed various armor pieces on top of a legging/stocking base. Finishing it off, you got a long silver white wig in addition to crazy long eyebrows placed on her. The Ranger hood has a beautiful trim pattern sewn in. Silver makes up most of it with some purple spots. Of course you also have elf ears poking through! The photos do a fantastic job showing both Jenna as a whole in addition to close up shots.

Photo by David Ngo
Handsome Jordan on the other hand tackled the current Blue Dragon Aspect, Kalecgos. Having complete dominion over the magical energies of Azeroth, the base of Kalecgos is that of a spellcaster. Much more clothing is featured in this design with brown and white taking forefront. Armor comes into play in the shoulders, gauntlets and various parts on top of the chest. The armor on the shoulders for instance has that dragon look to them with claws protruding out at the end. There's another pauldron you can't really see in shots, but it's more on the blue/silver color side with a giant gem glowing in the dead center.

Jordan has silver parts strapped across his chest, with a brown strap slinged over. The belt is brown with a massive buckle smack dab in the middle. The design here is that common skull with horns seen across nearly all the Ebon Blade designs. In thin parts, silver pieces can be seen extending out from the bottom and almost wrap around Jordan's back side. Small chains can be seen dropping in the middle. The gauntlets and giant brooch light up in a gorgeous blue. His head piece is also pretty fantastic, with the 3 horns and same blue LED lighting up.

Photo by Mineralblu

Blue can also be seen peeking out of the back. Jordan has interesting eye makeup in addition to a VERY deep shade of blue for the wig. I should also probably mention the giant staff he's wielding as the prop. Most of the staff is done in a dragon like texture/pattern that looks layered on top of one another. A dragon tail can be seen spiraling up to the top of a blue orb which concludes in a really cool/cute undead dragon sprawled across the orb. Oh and yes, the orb lights up too! None of the shots I have of Jordan and Jenna give a good look at the leg armor they have rocking. Nevertheless, they both look so freaking amazing and I'm just sitting here applauding their superb craftsmanship. Check out these other pics!

Photo by JwaiDesign Photography

Photo by Martin Wong

Photo by Kevinertia

As with all of the Ebon Blade members, Jenna Lynn Meowri and Handsome Jordan crushed it with these cosplays and are people you absolutely should follow for more fantastic cosplays! :D
Thank You to the following peeps for Supporting this Blog on Patreon <3
Coralea Jade
Katyuska Moonfox
Mink the Satyr

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