This past weekend I've managed to do some work on Riku from Kingdom Hearts! Specifically I created his little keychain that hangs off the end of his keyblade like most others have. In a sense I was basically creating the Heartless emblem seeing as that's what the keychain looked like! I used a little bit of the Worbla I had to create it and paint as usual for most of my cosplays I've done! Once the shape was drawn out on tracing paper, I transferred it to the Worbla and cut out 2 copies.
Tracing out the symbol! |
Once that was done I placed foam in-between the pieces and used a heat gun to press down and have both ends stick. This led to the painting process which included Gesso, White acrylics followed by Black and Red. Once the white was placed, I used a pen to draw out an outline which would be wear the red paint would go. For some reason this time around the Gesso took a very long time to dry out so it became a very tedious process of repainting areas over and over again. Once all the paint was on, I sanded it down to somewhat make the emblem look smooth. I really love how it came out now all I need is to put a hole at the top big enough to fit a chain through it :D
Painting the Gesso on. |
Adding in the red outline. |
Finishing it with black in the center. |
Done :) |