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Small Business Shoutout: Geek Dot Jewelry!

In today's installment of Small Business Shoutout, I go into the more fancy/extravagant side of being a geek. One shop recommended to me is that of Geek dot Jewelry which is spearheaded by Artist/Designer Paul Michael. As the name suggests, high end jewelry is what you'll find. Specifically made and tailored to geeks in mind. Some of their collections range from anime with items like Sailor Moon rings or ones around Dragonball Z. There are others going into the sci-fi area, video games, and then getting more specific with collections around Zelda, Pokemon and Harry Potter. Those that I just listed are a small amount of what you'll find in this shop. The company itself is based in Pennsylvania. There's really lots to choose from that you're bound to find something for that special someone in your life.

Flash Ring for Ladies
Truthfully there's not much else for me to say when it comes to Geek dot Jewelry. You are definitely looking to get an incredibly high quality product. Of course these will be pricey but for special events, they are the perfect gift. Some of their products include a set of engagement rings, Pokeball Rings being an example. There are also other set bundles like the Zora Sapphire set which comes with a ring and earrings. Below I included screenshots of some of my favorite products as I browsed through their website!

Iron Man Arc Reactor

The freaking Infinity Gauntlet :O

Game of Thrones

Alliance Insignia from WoW

Horde Enamel from WoW

Dragonball for Men

Pokemon GO Teams!

Zora Sapphire

I highly recommend you check out Geek dot Jewelry if you're interested in making a future purchase from them. Paul Michael does an incredible with designing these pieces and they're bound to make you treasure whatever you select for a very long time :D.

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