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Cosplay Showcase: Momo Kurumi's Jessica Rabbit!

The other wonderful roommate I got to hang and spend time with at Katsu was the super adorable Momo Kurumi Cosplay. Upon searching for her cosplay page I was immediately hit with this version of Jessica Rabbit and was like YUP LET'S DO THIS ONE <3.  Dubbed Park Ranger Jessica, it pretty much explains itself XD. Here, Momo is in a simple yet superbly attractive park ranger outfit. Green makes up the whole ensemble with a lighter shade for the buttoned up shirt, and a darker shade on the shorts. Some of the shots show great attention to the chest area mainly cause that's one of Jessica Rabbits ummm...defining features. Yea that sentence works :3. The shirt includes breast pockets and other buttons on her sleeves. You also can get a glimpse of light brown gloves and bright red heels.

The belt on Momo's shorts is plain black with a yellow circular buckle. The hat is of a slightly different shade of brown but looks super freaking cute in all of the shots. Another huge thing to this cosplay to me is the way the wig and makeup look. The former is bright orange and is perfectly placed to cover up one of her eyes. Makeup wise, Momo killed it with the lipstick and heavy eye makeup on the lone exposed eye you see in all the photos.

The photos themselves are freaking gorgeous as the setting is too perfect for the character. A wide open field with a fence and park bench for Momo to use in WORKING DEM POSES YAS GIRL! Seriously, she gets the character down pat which makes sense since I found these photos amongst other versions of Jessica Rabbit. Seriously get a gander at them you guys <3 :D.

All Photos by Koji!

I can't recommend Momo Kurumi's page enough. From anime, comics, to classic cartoon characters, she covers a wide variety of cosplays. Love this lady to bits already and miss her tons!

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